Be myself - Jachary

793 35 12

Hehe Zach is a dom, sorry not sorry

Type: fluff
Warnings: mention of anxiety
Wc: 898

🧸✨ You look gorgeous today

Third person

Lately Jack has been feeling anxious again, his anxiety levels were rising. Maybe it was because he wasn't taking his medication, maybe it was because Randy's been overworking the band, maybe it was because he hadn't seen Lavender in a while. He wasn't quite sure. He hated when his anxiety was high, he felt incapable.

Jack knew he could always go to his boyfriend, Zach, but this time was different. He felt like there was no answer out there, no way to calm him. So instead, he turned his back towards Zach at night, he got out of bed while Zach was sleeping, and he stayed independent. He didn't want attention or pity for something that seemed so small to him.

The brunette boy woke up and stretched his body, he glanced over at Zach and saw him sleeping peacefully, cuddling with his pillow very cutely. Jack gots some clothes out of their closet, some boxers, jogging pants, and one of Zach's hoodies, before going to take a shower.

While in the shower, Jack had a breakdown. He felt incapable of fixing himself, he felt as if there was going to be no end this time. What he didn't know, was that Zach had woken up and was listening to his painful cries. He listened through the door and frowned. He quickly grabbed his own pair of clothes and two towels, knowing that Jack probably forgot his like usual. He walked into the bathroom quietly and undressed himself. Zach stepped into the shower behind Jack and gently placed his hands on Jack's waist, scaring the boy and making him jump.

"What the hell Zach?" Jack exclaimed from shock.

"I heard you crying bubba, what's going on?" Zach questioned softly. Jack just leaned back into Zach and let a few more tears fall down his face. "Let's rinse your hair then get out and cuddle. We can talk about it when we're not in the shower. Okay?"

Jack nodded and sniffled slightly. "Okay baby, tilt your head back." Jack did as told and allowed Zach to rinse the shampoo from his hair. The younger boy was careful not to get shampoo on Jack's face, knowing it made him feel gross and he would end up rewashing himself after.

Once Jack's hair was completely rinsed out, Zach smiled at him and placed a kiss on his forehead. "Let's get out now." Zach turned off the shower and opened the shower curtain he stepped out first and wrapped a towel around his waist, then he helped Jack step out of the shower and gently patted him dry with the other towel. Zach helped Jack get dressed into the jogging pants and hoodie. "Go pick out a movie, okay? I just need to get dressed, I'll be right out," Zach instructed softly.

"Ok," Jack replied. He walked out of the bathroom, not bothering to close the door because it was attached to their bedroom so nobody except him would see Zach anyway. Jack ended up picking Moana, he liked watching it with Lavender so it reminded him of her whenever he wasn't with her.

Zach soon came out wearing a matching beige set of jogging pants and a hoodie. He hung up his and Jack's towels before laying in bed next to Jack. Jack laid against Zach's chest, happily cuddling into him.

"Now, tell me what's wrong bub," Zach said softly. Jack took a deep, shaky breath before talking.

"My anxiety is coming back and I don't know how to handle it," Jack explained quickly.

"Oh baby, why didn't you say something?" Zach questioned, beginning to run his hand through Jack's hair.

"I-I didn't know what it was, I thought it was just stress but it's been pretty consistent for a few days, almost a week actually. I didn't want to worry you over a false alarm," Jack mumbled.

"So you don't think it's a false alarm this time bubba?" Zach questioned softly. Jack nodded his head in agreement. "Oh baby, it's okay. You are so strong, I know you will get through this and kick anxiety in the ass like you always do. And I can do my best to try and give you some time off of work and have less things to do, would that help at all?"

"That would help. I think part of it is how much we've been working lately. It's stressing me out and I haven't been getting a lot of sleep," Jack admitted.

"Yeah, with the album and everything now we're on promo for like a week at least. But we already have most of our performances pre recorded so really it's just interviews now, and we can always just say that you aren't feeling well so you couldn't be in it," Zach suggested. Jack shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know what I wanna do about it yet. But cuddles from my favourite boy will work for now," Jack said, lifting his head to look at Zach. Zach smiled then brought Jack's face down to kiss him.

They pulled away after a short amount of time. Jack laid back down on Zach's chest then started the movie.

Zach smiled down at his boy, he knew he would get through it, he just knew.

WDW bxb stories pt. 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon