Home from war - Janiel

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Type: fluff
Warnings: mentions of war, surgery, and guns

Deliberately seek opportunities for kindness, sympathy, and patience - Evelyn Underhill

Third person

Today is April 2nd, Daniel's birthday. He was excited to spend his special day with his family, but his husband, Jack, couldn't make it. Jack has been in the army for a little over a year, and he has been away from home for 6 months, he wouldn't be home for another 4 months. Daniel missed Jack so much, he could only call Jack once a week, on Sundays. Daniel's birthday was on a Tuesday so he wouldn't be able to even talk to Jack.

Daniel walked into the restaurant where the Seavey's and Avery's were waiting for him.

"Daniel!" Isla exclaimed. She ran over to Daniel and hugged him tightly. Daniel smiled and hugged her back.

"Hi Isla," Daniel said happily. They released from the hug and Isla sat down. Everybody else hugged Daniel and wished him a happy birthday before sitting in their seats again.

The blond boy sat in his chair and smiled at everyone.

"How are you Daniel?" Kristin asked.

"Im alright, it's hard not having him here but I'm getting through," Daniel explained. Kristin nodded sadly, she also missed her son so much. A few tears appeared in Daniel's eyes but he quickly wiped them away before anyone noticed.

"It's okay to be upset Daniel, we know it's really hard for you," Keri said softly. She placed a hand on Daniel's back and rubbed it. A few tears rolled down Daniel's cheeks and he put his head into his hands.

"I'm sorry," Daniel said to the other 10 people at the table.

"Don't apologize Daniel, it's alright," Anna explained. Daniel wiped his tears and smiled up at everyone.

"Thank you everyone for being here, you guys are amazing," Daniel said happily. Everyone smiled and nodded.

"Is everyone ready to order?" A waitress asked as she approached the table.

Everyone nodded then ordered their meal one at a time.

The two families laughed and talked about everything during the meal. Daniel forgot all about missing Jack, he was so focused on being in the moment with his family.

It was finally time for dessert, and since it was Daniel's birthday his family got him a cake.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Daniel, happy birthday to you!" Everyone sang. The waitress placed a plate with a slice of cake in front of Daniel. The blond boy closed his eyes and made a wish before blowing out the candle.

"Happy birthday baby," a familiar voice said. Daniel turned around and gasped when he saw Jack standing a few metres away from the table.

"Oh my god," Daniel shouted. He broke down into sobs as he ran over to him. He jumped into Jack's arms and sobbed into his neck.

"Hello my love," Jack said softly. He rubbed Daniel's back and placed kisses all over his head. A few tears fell onto Jack's cheeks as he held his baby even tighter.

The pair stayed in a tight embrace for another minute or so before pulling away. Jack wiped away Daniel's tears and placed their foreheads together. He placed his hands on the back of Daniel's neck to hold him close, and Daniel placed his hands on Jack's wrists. They made eye contact for a few moments before connecting their lips. They both had huge smiles on their faces as they slowly pulled away.

"Why are you here?" Daniel asked, he was blown away by the fact that Jack was right in front of him.

"I got a discharge," Jack explained quietly. Daniel quickly looked around Jack's body, looking for signs of injury.

"What happened to you?" Daniel asked. He tried to keep his voice down so Isla wouldn't hear. Jack shook his head.

"I'll tell you later love," Jack explained. Daniel gave him a disapproving look.

"Jack Robert, what happened to you?" Daniel asked sternly. Jack sighed and pulled the bottom of his shirt up, Daniel looked and saw 5 small stitches from bullet holes. "Oh my god baby."

"I'm okay love, there weren't any complications in the surgery, it wasn't too painful, and now I'm home forever. Everything is okay," Jack reassures. Daniel nodded and hugged Jack again. Jack smiled and held Daniel tightly. "I love you so much Daniel."

"I love you so much more Jacky," Daniel mumbled. They pulled away from the hug and walked over to the table. Daniel was confused as to why everyone was so calm.

"So Jack coming back home is totally normal and nothing to freak out about?" Daniel asked. Jack laughed and wrapped an arm around Daniel's waist.

"I came home yesterday my love, I waited to see you because I wanted to have my own moment with you," Jack said softly. Daniel smiled and nodded, it made sense now. Jack gently kissed Daniel's cheek before sitting down with him in a new chair that was brought for him.

Jack and Daniel never let their hands disconnect from each other, they were both cherishing each other so much and never wanted to let go.

In the middle of a conversation Jack and Daniel made eye contact. Jack smiled softly and squeezed Daniel's hand. Daniel smiled back and blew him a kiss with a wink. Jack giggled before rejoining the conversation.

Both boys had a huge smile on their face for the rest of the party.


When the couple arrived back at their house Daniel hugged Jack tightly once again.

"I love you so much Jack. I can't believe you're home forever," Daniel mumbled into his chest. Jack smiled and placed a few kisses on Daniel's cheek.

"You better believe it, because you're stuck with me forever now," Jack joked. Daniel let out a quiet laugh before pulling away from the hug.

"I feel bad," Daniel sighed.


"I'm making you leave your dream job, you've been wanting to fight since you were a kid and now you can't go back," Daniel explained.

"Baby, you aren't the one who hurt me, you didn't make me leave my job. And besides, what's a job compared to spending my life with my beautiful husband? I'm so happy that I'm home now with you, don't feel guilty about anything my love," Jack said quietly. Daniel smiled and pecked Jack's lips.

"Oh my god I love you."

"I love you too baby boy."

The two men cuddled up on the couch and spent every moment together like their last.

A/N hey angels! I notice that a lot more people commented and appreciated when I put nice things to brighten your day at the top of each chapter instead of kindness quotes. Would you guys rather have that or kindness quotes? And don't say whatever I want to do because I'm fine with either💛

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