Words hurt - donah

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Requested by: @emil____o

Type: fluff
Warnings: rude words, strong language

You are stronger than you think, you'll get through this❤️

Third person

"Daniel, your voice seemed a little cracky today, you good?" Corbyn asked as the five guys walked back into their house from the studio.

"Uh yeah, I'm fine," Daniel answered.

"Your voice seemed really shitty today man, you'll probably have to re-record everything another day. Are you sick or something?" Jonah asked. Daniel felt shocked, even when they knew someone's voice sounded off, nobody ever mentioned it, it's just the right thing to do.

"I'm not sick Jonah," Daniel grunted.

"Why so snappy bro?" Jack asked.

"Oh, nothing to do with the fact that you guys are telling me that I suck at singing," Daniel said while rolling his eyes.

"I mean, they're not wrong bro," Zach piped in.

"Then why the fuck am I in this band? If you all think I suck, why haven't you kicked me out yet? Huh?"

"We felt bad."

"So I'm here from pity. Fan-fucking-tastic," Daniel groaned.

"Yeah, you kinda are," Jack scoffed.

Daniel looked at all of them with tears in his eyes.

"You guys are total assholes, I'm glad I'm no longer in this band," Daniel said angrily. He looked all of them in the eyes one last time before storming out of the house. He ran to his car and got into the driver seat. He immediately broke down into sobs. Finding out that his best friends only liked him out of pity was like a knife in his heart. It hurt so bad.

Daniel got himself together before pulling out of the driveway. He drove slowly, too afraid that he would crash from being so upset, all the way to his parents' house.


When he arrived at his parents' house he went up to the door. He knocked a few times and waited for a minute or so before his mom opened the door.

"Hey Daniel," Keri welcomed. She inspected her son's appearance, he had tear stains under his eyes and his cheeks were flushed red. His hair was sticking out in every direction. He was a mess. "What's wrong hun?"

Daniel locked eyes with his mom momentarily before breaking down again. "Oh Daniel."

Keri stepped out of the house and pulled the blond boy into a comforting hug. "What's happened honey?"

"They said I suck at singing, they only let me in the band out of pity," Daniel sobbed. Keri's heart broke at those words, her son had worked so hard in his career, just for it all to be fake.

"Don't let their words get to you Daniel, you are such an amazing singer and such a hard worker. You deserve so much better than that."

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