One Call Away (Chapter Forty Six)

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Elena_Gant Mia love's yoga in the park 😍💕
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Liked by PostMalone, shlb21, princess_diamond and 1,644,976 othersElena_Gant Mia love's yoga in the park 😍💕Comments disabled

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PostMalone my girls 😍😍
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"Lanney baby, we need to talk about me going back to work." he said as we were cuddling on the bed, I had my head on his chest and arm wrapped around his torso and his hand was running up and down my back. "do we have too?" I asked, I knew this was coming I just knew I wasn't ready for it. "Yes baby girl, I know its hard I hate thinking about it but it's my job and I haven't been on tour for over a year." he said kissing my forehead "I know." I said looking up at him as much as I could."Dre want's me to start touring at the end of this month." he said and I could hear him not wanting to tell me in his voice, I could hear the nervousness.

"The end of this month? That's like three weeks away." I said giving him a sad look "why didn't Dre tell you before it was this close?" I asked sitting up, I was a little upset that Dre didn't say anything, I thought we were friends. "that's actually my fault, He told me a while ago but I didn't want to upset you." and honestly it may have been childish but I was upset, I got off the bed and stormed out and walked to the front room and sat on the couch. I haven't gotten mad at Austin in a while and I hated the feeling but I felt like he kept it from me and now I'm just supposed to accept him leaving in less than three weeks. "lanney baby." Austin said walking into the front room and over to me. "Don't be mad at me." he said sitting down next to me but I moved over so we had a seat between us.

"baby girl." he said turning to look at me "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I just didn't want you to get upset, but clearly I didn't avoid that because now you're even more upset." he said putting his hand on my leg "baby girl talk to me." he said leaning in slowly. "I just don't understand why you didn't tell me when Dre told you, Now i feel like it was sprung on me." I said looking at him trying to calm myself down. "I know, it was a mistake on my part, I just-- I just hate to leave you girls." he said and I could tell he was upset and ready to cry. "I know, I hate that you have to leave but I also understand this is your job." I said and he nodded "I know but you didn't sign up for this when you got pregnant with Mia, You didn't know how my life was going to be like and I hate that I'm leaving." he said looking down at his hands messing with his fingers showing me he was nervous and upset.

"Austin I understand the minute I got with you, and we decided to do this thing together I knew you would have to tour, I knew this was your job when I said yes to being your girlfriend, I knew it was coming and I knew I'd be in this house without you for a little bit of time out of the year that's why we had the security system put in. We knew this was coming I just wish you would have told me before when you knew so I had time to plan and prepare myself." I said grabbing his hand and holding it. "Lanney I'm so worried about going on tour." he finally said looking up at me wiping a tear from his cheek "we'll be fine here." I said rubbing his hand. "I know you'll be safe but that's not what worries me, what worries me is I'll miss moments with Mia, I'll miss her doing something, or her saying her first words, I won't be able to sing to her or help you." he said letting tears fall now. "Austin baby, I can facetime you every single night and you can sing to her, I'll take so many pictures and videos for you, I know it's going to be hard, we're both going to hate it, but it's your job and its something we have to deal with." I said kissing his cheek as I moved closer to him.

"I know but it's not the same." he said laying his head on the couch. "I know babe trust me, I hate thinking you not being here. I know how much you love us, you're our best friend." I said kissing him, he really was Mia and my best friend, Mia adores her dad, "I don't want her to forget me." he finally said and I could hear the worry and sadness in his voice. "Austin, I can promise you she will never forget you, she adores you, you are her world, and I promise you can facetime her every single night, she will not forget your face, she won't forget your voice I promise." I said kissing his nose trying to cheer him up, as hard as I knew it was going to be on me, I had forgotten how hard it will be on him, I'll have Mia here with me, he won't, I almost felt selfish worrying about me because he will have to go through more than me.

"So wheres the first show?" I asked trying to take his mind off of missing us. "California, Los Angeles, I'll give you the whole list so you know every little detail. "I also know you can't come the whole tour but I have a few shows around Texas and then two shows at MSG and I really want you girls there." He said smiling at me then giving me a pouty face. "Will it be safe for Mia?"I asked and he nodded '100% you know I wouldn't ever let something happen to either of you, She will have ear covers on and you girls can either be behind the stage or right in front between the crowd and the stage, and you'll be covered by security guards. Plus it will be our first little vacation in New York City." he said smiling at me and I nodded "yes of course! We would love too!" I said kissing him "we'll take the tour bus to the few shows in Texas then we will fly to NYC." he said pecking me between each line. "I'm going to miss you." I finally said trying not to cry.

"Lanney baby girl, I'm only one call away, I'll be there to save the day. If you need anything, no matter where I go you will never be alone, it won't be long, are you listening Lanney I'm only one call away."

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