
545 19 3

11 days left

Mera's P.O.V

Kylo squares his shoulders again, positioning himself to attack for the umpteenth time. I groan loudly, my hands growing calloused from gripping the wooden staff for so long with no gloves. He digs his heel into the ground and I let out a long breath before meeting his quick pace in the middle.

Our weapons collide, an echo rippling through the room. I swiftly bend down, sweeping my leg at his ankles. He jumps over them, swinging his rod at my head as I stand up. My feet automatically jump over the wood and he hums in approval of my quick thinking.

I take a few steps back, stretching my arms out and shaking my head to prepare myself for this move. Ren looks pleasantly puzzled, his head cocked to the side momentarily before he realizes what I'm doing- too late too.

My legs wrap around his neck and I allow all my weight to shift my upper back, making him spin quickly and fall to the ground- my crotch still covering his throat. For a moment I think I have him but he takes my second of weakness and thrusts his chest towards the ceiling, causing me to fall on my stomach. The wind is knocked out of me as I roll over, seeing him ready to stab my head with his staff. I anxiously roll from left to right, and it's like an extremely violent game of whack-a-mole. My arm jets out to my side, and I counter his attack my own weapon.

He furrows his brows, and I use the opportunity to kick his stomach, causing him to tumble over me. I stand quickly, using the force to grab his staff. He raises himself to his knees as I hold both wooden objects in an "x" shape around his neck.

"I win." I heave, blowing a piece of loose hair off of my face.

He shrugs, rising to his feet in defeat. "Why don't we duel with lightsabers?" I exhale loudly, tossing him my weapon.

"To dangerous." He says, his voice traveling throughout the room.

I huff, using the bottom of my once-grey-now-black-with-sweat shirt to wipe the transpiration off my forehead.

This morning I had genuinely hoped that we would do something other than fight with staffs, considering that is all we did from 0800 to 0500 yesterday. My muscles were incredibly sore already, and I prayed that we would maybe do some mental training rather than physical.

Guess not.

I rub the back of my neck, trying to ease the knot I can already feel building. It's 0645, so I'm positive we're done. A nod from Ren signals I'm right and I exit the training room.

I've grown accustomed to being greeted with two or three of the knights following me at all times. Kylo is so irked by the thought of someone breaking through the numerous layers of steel guarding our quarters that he has them watch me all the time whenever he is not there.

At first it was cute, until Ushar tried to "stand guard" outside of the shower.


I wring my hair out, stripping it of any excess water before wiping away the fog that covers the mirror. I change into one of the many new pajama sets I bought on Cantonica, and the silk feels immaculate against my skin. It's long pants and a small tank top of a matching crimson red color.

As I step out Kylo looks up at me, glad to have it be his turn to wash away the sticky sweat plastered on his body. I rub his arm as he passes me by, squeezing his bicep in a loving manner. He shuts the door behind him and almost instantly my com link goes off.

"Yes?" I ask, curious as to who it may be.

"Can you come bring me that soup you ate last night?" Jiro whines on the other end of the line.

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