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Mera's P.O.V

I stretch my arms above my head, gazing at my surroundings. My breakfast has been set on the nightstand next to my bed, I swing my legs around the edge while wondering what time it is. 

I eat my food quickly, it's cold so I can only assume it's later in the day. I follow it up by taking a warm shower, thinking about last night. I know I shouldn't but I want to go back to that room. I want to hold the mysterious lightsaber again and feel it's energy. I run my fingers through my hair as the water cascades down onto me in hot waves. I could stay in here forever, underneath the comforting liquid that felt so good against my aching body. 

There was something so tempting about being in that room, being alone with the helmet of Darth Vader. 

I shake the thought out of my head and dry myself off.

I think I've become a little too accustomed to this lifestyle. Waking up, training, eating, sleeping and repeat. I was becoming like a circus dog for everyone to watch. 

While examining my reflection the door to my room opens, without having to turn around I can feel who it is. 

"Yes?" I ask simply, swallowing any fear in my voice. If I can feel his emotions without trying I can only imagine how easy it is to feel mine. 

He steps back once he sees I have nothing but a towel on, averting eye contact in the process. His black hair is pushed back neatly, hands folded behind his back. "How is your wound?" He asks, a hint of concern on his tongue. 

"Fine", I push the growing ball in my throat down, "I cleaned it myself this morning." I lie, he senses my falsity but doesn't press for the truth. 

"I just wanted to check on you," His tone is softer, causing me to turn around to face him. 

I smile softly, "Thank you". He gives a small bow and turns around to exit. I struggle to find the correct words in my daze of his sudden kindness. "Supreme Leader Ren-"

He cuts me off, "You may call me Kylo." Butterflies flutter in my stomach, and I force them away. 

"May I request to have dinner with Grand Admiral Nalda?" I ask quietly. He shifts around to face me and the sight of his face brings the feeling of twisting back to my core. 

"Of course" He nods his head slightly, "I will have a dress sent here." Kylo turns to leave again, walking towards the door and exiting quietly. 

I sit on my bed and rub my face, was the feeling of getting flustered just by him acknowledging my condition enough to make my heart pound? Am I truly that deprived of affection? 

Kylo Ren's P.O.V

"The Gala, Supreme Leader when shall we commence the fittings for her dresses? And how many need to be crafted?" The seamstress who recently entered the room asks quietly. I look to Grand Admiral Nalda to answer the question, seeing that she will be the one constantly with Mera during the majority of the fittings. 

"About six gowns, we will start a week before." She answers simply, waving away the seamstress. 

Silence floods the room as the small BB unit comes to take my plate. Everyone looks at everyone to see who will be the next to speak. "I must say that it is a very good decision to allow the girl to accompany you to The Gala." Hux chimes next to me.

General Pryde sets down his fork and wipes his mouth with the corner of the cloth provided for him. "I agree," he clears his throat, "If any Resistance members are there to gather intel on our weapons trade, which we will keep an eye out for, then seeing the girl with the Supreme Leader  will be the final word on where she stands with them. They will see her as one of us and no longer on of them." He continues, shoulder rolled back and a grin on his face. 

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