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Mera's P.O.V

I jolt up in a split second. My forehead is pounding to an unexplainable degree and my limbs feel like jello. What the hell happened?

As soon as I finish that thought in my mind a swarm of memories engulfs me. Leia walking through the door, the feel of her blaster bullet at my side and Poe Dameron collapsing next to me.


Where's Poe?

Where is anyone.

Did we make it to Crait? Or did we crash and this is where I've died.

That thought was soon interrupted by an explosion ringing in my ear. I'm thrown up almost immediately, falling to the ground because of the lack of feeling in my legs. I use my arms to lift myself back up onto the cot I was placed on. The transport is dark, and cold. Darkness is my only friend at the moment. The only beacon of light is far away from me.

All in a moment another explosion, everything is lit up again. The rest of the resistance is on the other side of the base. I gather all the strength I can get and click the button to open the transport door.

It doesn't open.

I click again, nothing. Again, nothing. We were running low on gas, the door isn't going to open. My head is spinning, the room is spinning despite my lack of sight of my surroundings. I slam my fist into the door in hopes to get it open or to alert someone of my presence.

I can hear everything, people yelling, footsteps, blasters going off and explosions happening from every angle imaginable. And then... it stops.

Any sign of human life forms is gone. Hell, any sign of anything is gone. It's silent. They left. They left me. This isn't happening. They wouldn't do that. Poe wouldn't do that, Finn wouldn't do that, Rose wouldn't do that, Leia wouldn't leave me behind. She was like my mother.

Like an asteroid it hits me, the First Order is out there. A ball forms in my throat.

Kylo Ren is out there.

The Commander of the First Order is out there, with his army close behind him.

Calm down, just calm yourself. It will be okay.

What would Leia do? She would focus, she would use The Force. After an injury I had sustained she had tried to teach me to use the technique like she had Rey. The most I could do was summon a lightsaber, and accidentally read the thoughts of another pilot on our ship, bad times.

I concentrated my breathing, sitting on my cot again. My eye lids shut, I focused on the door to the transport. Maybe if I tried hard enough I could get the door to open and catch up to The Resistance.

I could hear them, they were coming back. Their footsteps stopped outside the transport, my vision became blurry and my head was being crushed. It wasn't The Resistance.

The doors hissed open, the glass shattering from the force used to pry them apart.

My heart stopped beating, time slowed down, a ball formed in my throat.

"Execute it" Kylo Ren hisses.

One of his stormtroopers points their blaster at me, my hands go up in defense. I prepare myself for death, that's all that could happen.

Nothing happened, I was still in one piece.

I open my eyes, now seeing that all the storm troopers were on the ground. The only person still standing was Kylo Ren.

Did I do that? To the stormtroopers?

"Take the girl to the interrogation room" His helmeted voice says.  

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