Four Seconds

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Three Days Later 

Poe Dameron's P.O.V

I wake up to Leia and Finn standing over me. The sky is pitch black, who knows what time it. In my tired state I can hardly understand what they're saying but get the hint to follow them.

I stand up slowly, careful not to startle BB-8 and have him wake up the rest of The Resistance with his chirping. 

"Rose was able to locate Mera using the beacon that Leia had given to her, it took a while and she's tired but somehow she reactivated it using codes." Finn whispers as we walk down the long hallways of our base to head to the main control center. 

"Beacon? You mean like the same one Rey had when she went searching for Skywalker? I thought there were only two ever made." I say a little too loudly, earning a glare from General Organa. I put my hands up in defense and we continue walking. 

"Only two were ever made, you're right. But Maz was working on creating a stronger one that could be used even farther away than the original two could, she gave it to Rose to finish off and give to Mera for her next journey. There was something wrong with it and it cut the signal out randomly. Mera must have kept it somewhere in her clothes because Rose was able to get about four seconds of data from an unknown beacon. It didn't come from Ahch-To, which is where Rey is so, we knew it had to be Mera." Finn explains, we turn a corner and Rose is sitting at a chair in front of three monitors. 

She turns around and even in the darkness I can see her tear-stained face. She's just as worried about Mera as I am. 

*4 Days Ago*

"Poe she's probably already with Rey on the Falcon, we need to go" Finn pulls my shirt towards the entrance of the cave the crystal creatures ran into.  I look back at the abandoned base. No one is going to come to our rescue. 

"Okay, okay let's go" I answer with a nod, following behind everyone else. 

*back to Present*

There was something inside me that knew she wasn't on the Falcon with Rey, but I ignored it anyway because I didn't want to cause a scene. 

But the look Rose had in her eyes told me I should have gone back, I should have made a scene and fought with Finn. Maybe then we wouldn't be in the situation we are in right now. Without saying anything I wrap my arms around her, she sniffles into my tank top and pulls away, wiping her eyes before turning back to the monitor. 

"If the signal was correct then she is somewhere on the finalizer near the med bay." Rose starts, "As much I hope the signal is correct it shows that she is on Kylo Ren's ship." Her voice breaks as soon as she tries to say his name. 

"So how do we get to her, Finn?" I lean my elbow on Rose's chair, the three of us looking over to him. 

He shakes his head, wiping his eyes with his fingers and thinking hard, "the Falcon would be recognized in a second. Maybe if we go back to Crait and find a salvageable TIE fighter we could fix it up and use that to get in." 

"But how long would that take? Even if we could fix it up as quickly as possible it would still take at least two weeks." Rose adds.

"If we go to Crait" I start to pace around the room slowly, thinking out loud, "then odds are that TIE fighters will still be flying around looking for any survivors. If we can find somewhere hidden, we can use the Falcon to jam their signal and take over the ship, fly back to their base and sneak in undetected." 

"That would actually work Poe" Finn smiles, the three of us look at Leia, who has remained silent during all of our ideas. Her eyes are closed and her breathing is steady. 

"General?" I ask, walking over to her. Her brows furrow and she wobbles backwards, I place my hand on her back. 

"It's Mera" she whispers, "she's trying to reach out but she's weak. She's been hurt" Her head tilts to the side as if she's trying to listen closely. She exhales deeply and opens her eyes. 

"She's okay though right?" I ask desperately

She nods her head and smiles, "she will be okay. Now all of you please get some rest. A lot of work needs to be done tomorrow if we're going to get up to speed to find Mera." 

The three of us nod and leaved, Rose going the opposite way of Finn and I after saying goodnight. 

I lay on my back staring up at the ceiling, there's no way I will be able to sleep tonight. Not knowing the fact that she's weak and hurt. 

"Finn" I whisper

"Can you not sleep either?", he asks back

"no, and are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I smile halfway. 

Within fifteen minutes our bags are packed and we're boarding the Falcon with Chewie. 

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