Get out of my head

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Mera's P.O.V

At this point I'm sprinting down the hallway, I know that the cameras can probably see me but I need to get out of here. What was it that Finn said about where the TIE fighters are located? Someone to the right of the prison cells. Yes. That's what he said. I hear an alarm begin to blare.

I can hear you his voice even in my head is cold.

It's Kylo Ren again.

Running is only going to make this harder.

Get out of my head.

Only once you get out of mine.

His voice makes me want to collapse on the ground and cry. I hate feeling like that. It's not true to who I am. Three storm troopers spot me and begin to run towards my area. I look around desperately for something to fight with. I'm left with nothing by the time they get to me. 

Kylo Ren's thoughts are getting louder by the second and I know he's close.

I instinctively put my hand out to stop the storm troopers, one of them is flung against a wall- the other two turn to look at him.

I take the opportunity to jump onto the second one, knocking him to the ground immediately. I take his blaster and shoot through the top of the helmet, doing the same to the third. I try to continue running despite the crushing at my skull. I inevitably collapse on the ground, the blaster shaking in my grip. Kylo ren is a solid twelve feet away from me. I force him out of my head, standing up and pointing the blaster at him. I manage to pull the trigger, barely releasing a bullet from the tip. He deflects it back at me easily, it hits me just below my right ribs. I fall to the ground, covering my wound and shaking profusely. Kylo Ren just stands over me before a medic places me on a stretcher. Everything after that goes dark.

(A/N Just a nice little filler for the big chapter don't worry heehee)

I will not hurt youМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя