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Mera's P.O.V

I jump the moment I wake up, almost throwing a pillow at the knight standing at the foot of my bed. I hold the blankets up to my chest, since I'm wearing nothing but a bralette and sleeping shorts. Not taking any social cues, he remains in his position with his arms crossed. Something shifts next to me, and since Cardo hasn't moved an inch I can only assume it's someone else. I look to the left wall, seeing Ushar copying his friend's stance that side. Already knowing what I was going to see, I turn to my right and Ap'lek is standing the same way as the other two. I stick my comforter underneath my armpits to hold the blanket in place over my chest.

"Can I help you?" I ask, narrowing my eyes at the knight in front of me.

I salute at him, "At ease soldier."


I chew my lip and snap, "You're relieved of your duties."


I grumble in annoyance, scooting to the side of my bed to get up. Ap'lek moves in front of me, restricting me from getting off the mattress.

"I have to pee." I say sternly. He shakes his helmeted head from side to side, silently telling me "no."

"I will literally pee in front of all three of you." I say, pointing my finger to each of them. Still no reaction besides a few shoulder shrugs.

As a last effort I out stick my hand, focusing on their legs and trying to push them aside. I forgot they are literally the knights of Ren, and that they have been trained to resist anything having to do with the force.

"Fine." I grumble, clearing my throat.

At the top of my lungs I scream, "Nalda!" over and over again until the door opens. Instead of the tired Grand Admiral walking through it's Kylo, who is still in his pajamas. He scratches his head while walking towards the bed.

I check around the room, and confirm that it is my room, not his.

"Dismissed." He yawns groggily. He doesn't even finish speaking and the knights are already exiting. I briefly look at the clock, seeing it's 0932. He looks like my yelling woke him up.

"Where's Nalda?" I ask once I know for sure they're all gone.

He sits on the edge of my bed, "Good morning to you too."

I cross my arms, silently repeating my question. He sighs at the look on my face, crawling to my side and sitting next to me on top of the blankets. "She is in my room, we traded sleeping areas."

I cock my head to the side and he continues, "After what happened yesterday I wanted to be right next door just in case anyone else tried to hurt you. That is also why they were watching over you."

"All night?" I ask, assuming he's referring to the knights.

"They switched halfway through the time you were sleeping." He answers, rubbing the back of his neck.

I push his hand away and shift behind him, massaging the hard knot placed just between his shoulder and neck. "Did you not sleep well?" I ask.

He shakes his head, wincing slightly as my fingers dig into his skin. "I've been having these visions..." he mumbles.

"Of what?"

"Of my grandfather." He adds, putting more of his weight against me. I freeze completely after he speaks, making him turn around. "What is it?"

"So have I." I whisper, he shifts to face me completely so we're both sitting criss cross.

"You've been having visions of him as well?"

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