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Poe Dameron's P.O.V

"General with all due respect when are you going to let me go find Mera." I am a shadow at her heals, nearly stepping on her shoes with how close I am.

"Ms. Mera can handle herself without you, Dameron. She is a tough girl, strong with the force." She answers blandly, still walking.

"She is on a First Order Finalizer right now with Kylo Ren probably picking at her brain trying to find us. If you're not going to let me find her for my sake, then let me find her for the sake of The Resistance." I say, stepping in front of her.

General Organa searches my eyes, bringing up her son touched her in the wrong way. Big mistake.

"Next week you may take the falcon to find her. Chewie and Finn may accompany you while Rey trains." She says sternly.

Next week? No. That's too long. She'll be dead by then. Cut in half by Kylo Ren by the time I get to her. The falcon is gone right now, Rey is with Rose and won't be back for at least another three days. I have to find a way.

I give Leia a slight nod in thank you, walking to find Finn. I see him trying to read the blue prints of a TIE fighter, probably trying to comprehend them completely. I slap my hand over the paper, "you need to help me go rescue Mera and fast." I say sternly.

"I can't go back on a finalizer Poe. I failed last time. I almost got Rose and I killed." He spits.

"Mera will die if we don't go after her. You know how powerful Ren is. He will destroy her. I can't let that happen Finn, she's all I have left" my eyes begin to water and I curse myself for it. The thought of my best friend struggling to stay alive under the grips of Kylo Ren make my heart hurt. She's scared, petrified if anything.

"Please Finn." I plead, he must've heard the desperation in my voice because he nods his head slowly.

"Once The Falcon is back we'll go. Chewie will come with us to watch the ship." He mumbles.

"Thank you" I whisper gratefully.

I give him a tight embrace, he knows how I feel because of his experiences with Rey. Knowing you'll be nothing more than friends but still caring for them immensely. I miss her so much, and I know Leia does too even if she doesn't show it. Everyone does.

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