TIE fighter

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30 days left 

Poe Dameron's P.O.V

"I'm tired of waiting," I stand up from the round table of the Falcon and march to the front of the ship, "Chewie have any TIE fighters come close enough to jam their transmission?" I ask. 

Finn is holding one side of the headphones to his ear while the other one hang lose, he sticks up a finger signaling to be quiet. He follows that up by pointing to the other set of headgear. I pick it up and slip it over my head so I can hear everything completely. 

"Landing at entry point two, lifeforms detected."

"Probably just more critters, proceed with caution nonetheless." 

All of our heads turn up as a TIE fighter zooms over our heads, luckily the Falcon is in a concealed area under an overhang so spotting us would be difficult. The pilot lands his ship directly in front of where we all exited only a few days ago. Two storm troopers climb out, the black of their suits making them very visible in the white climate. 

"They know we're here" I whisper, standing up and racing back to the table where I was sitting. 

"They don't know it's us, the TIE detectors only show life forms- not what kind they are. You heard that on their communications they said they thought it was just the crystal critters." Finn talks as I gather the blasters for us. 

"Listen, we go in there get rid of the two troopers and take their fighter back to the finalizer where Mera is. We get in and out of the medbay and then we're done." I point my finger at him as we speak. I begin to walk away, and he grabs my upper arm.

"I know you want to get her back as soon as possible but we need to be smart about this otherwise all of us will get killed." He speaks with a soft tone, and BB-8 beeps in agreement. 

I give a small nod and follow him to the table with Chewie. Finn hits a button and a blueprint of a TIE fighter pops up. He uses the switches to zoom into the hologram, taking us to the inside of the ship. 

"There is a number somewhere in here that designates what ship the fighter came from, it will most likely be assigned to the Finalizer because The First Order only allows the top tier of pilots to monitor places like this." Finn explains to us. 

"Another panel is located on the inside, last time I was on one of those it showed how long until the fighter should be back on their assigned ship." I add in.

"It should still have that, we have to follow that number of days or think of a way to get back to the finalizer earlier." 

Chewie growls in response to Finn

"That wouldn't work, these fighter get cleaned and maintenance every day, going back with the excuse that the ship is broken would only get them onto us." He replies.

"Chewie what was that one story you told Mera and me a few weeks ago, Finn wasn't here." I ask, a memory sparking in my brain. 

He tilts his head in confusion and I get up to start pacing around the room, waving my finger around in the air as I think. 

"Wow way to leave me out" Finn laughs, nudging Chewie in the arm. He isn't amused. 

I press my palm against my forehead, pressing my temples with my thumb and middle finger, "We were playing cards with each other and you talked about something with Han and Luke and Leia when all of this started, when she was captured by Vader and you went to save her with Lenobi or something." I rub my face, trying to get the memory loose. 

Chewie roars.

"Kenobi- same difference."

Chewie starts again with the story, explaining what they did when they were all young to rescue Leia. 

"Wait so Han and Luke dressed up as storm troopers and pretended to take you as prisoner to get to the prison area to save Leia? and THEN you jumped in a garbage chute and almost got crushed until R2 shut down the trash compressor? How have I never heard this story?!" Finn shouts the last part and it genuinely makes me laugh.  

"That could work" I smile, adding "besides the trash part I don't think I could handle the smell." 

The three of us nod and BB-8 spins in circles around the Falcon. 

"Poe and I will take care of the troopers, you just make sure no others come by while we're in there." I say to Chewie. He nods, Finn and I leave. 

We sneak in and press our backs along the wall. I peak around the corner to find where the two people are. Finn goes ahead of me to the next hiding spot. He runs the smallest bit and we hear the two helmeted voice say "freeze". 

Finn turns around slowly, both of them approach him. They don't see me yet. Yet.

"Lower your weapon" One of them barks. Finn drops his blaster, the stormtrooper kicks it to the side, only a few feet away from me. 

"Why are you here?" The second one asks rudely, he looks at Finn's jacket while his hands are in the air, "he's resistance, tell the captain and call a transport."

I take this moment to slide on the ground, grabbing the second blaster and shooting each trooper in the head. 

Finn looks at me and laughs, running back out towards the ship. I stare at the TIE fighter and punch my fists in the air in excitement. 

"We got ourselves a fighter" Finn exclaims. 

I pull him into a tight hug, "we got ourselves a fighter," I repeat. 

(A/N OOOOOO things are getting interestinggggg. Please make sure to vote and comment any suggestions you have!!)

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