They're Precautionary

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Mera's P.O.V

"You see this-" I point to the dress I'm wearing, "this I like." It's the bright red gown I saw from the sketches in the fitting room on the finalizer. It's form fitting but not suffocating like the other two gowns I've worn in the mornings. "I can eat in this."

Nalda struts behind me, pulling a set of gold layered necklaces around my neck. I move my freshly curled hair to the side as she fastens the clip, patting my shoulders once she's done.

After a lot of arguing we settled for just black winged eyeliner and red lipstick instead of the heavy eye makeup.

"Are you ready?" She asks from her room as I swipe the last line of lipstick over my mouth.

I walk out and pull on my black heels. The lightsaber between my legs shifts in the holster, and I tighten it before we exit our quarters. Ren, three of the knights, and Pryde waiting outside in the middle of our floor. "Where's Jiro?" Nalda asks.

"And the ginger?" I snicker, earning me a nudge from the woman next to me.

Kylo nods his head towards the room next to the elevator. I walk to the door, pressing my ear against the gold material. After a few more minutes the two emerge from their chambers, both with red faces and balled fists.

As we prepare to board the elevator I hold Zak back by his wrist, Nalda ushers Ren into it before he can object. I wink at her as the doors close, and I turn to my friend.

"What happened in there?" I ask him, his breathing still loud and heavy.

"He's just so ignorant. He has no respect for me because I'm young and thinks that I am not fit to do my job. He consistently shit talks you-" His eyes go wide after his last sentence.

"You think I don't know he hates me? He loves to remind me how I've ruined the trade deal we need, but I am proud of you for yelling at him." I hug him tightly, rocking side to side. Even with my heels on he still has a few inches on me.

He retracts, still allowing his hand to linger on my back. "So what about you and the Supreme Leader?"

My cheeks heat up and I know the red of my face shines through my foundation. "He's Kylo." I shrug, trying to push the topic to the side.

He hums in response, "Doesn't seem very much like Ren to kiss a girl he's known for a little over three weeks in front of basically the entire city of Canto Bight."

"It's been three weeks already?" I whisper out loud, that means there's only two more weeks of our deal before I'm permanently sealed into the First Order.

Jiro clears his throat, "If the Resistance were to come for you at the end of your deal would you go?" He asks quietly, dropping his hand from my body.

I sigh heavily, "You're probably the only person I could trust when saying this- but I really don't know."

The elevator dings and we enter. "Can I tell you something crazy?"

He nods, "of course."

"That day on the finalizer when you spun me around like we were dancing, I felt something. Like an energy. It was so familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it."

Before he can speak I ask him another question, "If my friends were ever on our ship- would you tell me?"

He look genuinely hurt by my question, "Of course I would. And I promise you I have no knowledge of them being on our ship during the time you've been here."

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