Two Thousand

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15 days left

Mera's P.O.V

"You look presentable." I say to Zak as we sit at our table, lifting my long and sleek black dress up as we take our seats.

He jerks his thumb towards Hux, "I found his hair gel." He says quietly.

I touch his hair, it's as stiff as straw. "Did you use the whole bottle?" I laugh softly.

His eyebrows knit together, "Does it look bad?" He places his entire palm on the top of his head and pats it with wide eyes.

I push his hands off his head, and fluff his hair up a bit and smile. "There you go."

General Pryde and Ren return to our table, an uneasy look on their faces. Kylo settles next to me, rubbing his cheek with his right hand. "What's wrong?" I ask, pulling his arm down so I have an entire view of his features.

"They raised the price for the TIE fighters." He sighs, he has a mixture of anger and sadness in his tone. He's not even trying to cover it up, and he answers my question before I even ask it. "Twelve thousand credits."

I cover my mouth, repeating the number out loud. This is all my fault. "Will you please let me talk to him." I beg quietly.

Somehow the ginger bastard still hears me, "you'd probably make him raise the price even more by insulting his choice of tie." Hux hisses as he points a finger at me, "you need to stay out of this one."

Anger bubbles inside of me and Kylo places a hand on my bare thigh. My dress has two slits going up each leg, it's long sleeved and drags on the floor slightly. "Please trust me to do this." I whisper to him.

He sighs and runs his fingers through his thick hair. I speak before he gets the chance to, "send Nalda in to listen to our conversation. When he agrees to lower the price she'll be a witness."

He nods slowly, jerking his head towards the bar. "Go. No mind tricking, that's illegal." He says as I lock eyes on King Dior. "I need you to keep Duis distracted." I pat his leg as I stand.

I smooth my dress out, walking confidently up to the arms dealer.

"Lady Ren." He looks me up and down, "to who do I owe the pleasure."

I curtesy, "King Dior you're looking handsome as usual." I mentally roll my eyes at the words, wanting to vomit at everything I'm about to say. "Please, call me Mera."

"Well, Mera, may I buy you a drink." He waves his hand over the massive array of alcoholic beverages. I know how this type of scenario plays out.

"Please, Jawa jumper on the rocks." I say, scooting my barstool closer to him. The man behind the bar shift his gaze towards Dior. 

He laughs, "make that two."

The bartender looks nervously from me to the king, obviously well aware we both have a significant other. He dramatically pours the beverage into two martini glasses. They're handed to us and we raise them for a toast. I take a small sip, placing it back on the counter next to his.

"Kylo tells me you've made your price for the new series of TIE fighters higher." I lean my elbow on the counter, allowing all my weight to go on that shoulder.

He nods, "for how expensive they are to manufacture I figured that would be best."

"You thought? Or Duis thought?" I ask innocently, hiking my dress up high and making it known. He glances at my exposed leg, letting out a shaky breath at the sight of it.

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