Personality's personalities

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Barry has lived through lots in his life, trauma more than anyone should experience- everyone could take one look at rue start of life and agree.

He knows what he has is common with children that have experienced something traumatic early in life. He knows he should not hide it. But he can't help it, they allow him to escape, and he can't do that when people know.

So he hasn't told anyone, and he so hopes to keep it that way.


"Are you sure this is safe," Barry asked, backing up warily.

"Yeah!" Cisco yelled, "we've done it on everyone else, Caitlin became Killer Frost, Joe was a nerd, and so was Iris! We want to know about you!"

"Don't think you do..." Barry slowly said, trying to back away again.

"Oh, no," Iris started as she pushed Barry back into the room.

"If we had to, so do you," Caitlin finished, making sure to close the doors.

"What about you, Cisco?" Barry tried to reflect.

"Oh, I became this weird person that enjoyed tea," Cisco shrugged, "had to test that it worked."

"I'm not getting out of this..." Barry sighed.

"Sorry, Bare," Joe shrugged.

Just as Barry went to warn them, he felt the reverse-personality beam hit him. When the smoke cleared, Sebastian was stood there smirking at them. "Hello there."

Cisco watched as the man before him took in the situation and what room they were in, the smirk growing as his eyes landed on Caitlin and Iris.

"What are two fine ladies like you staring at me?" Sebastian purred, "is it my looks, the way I stand, the power I hold," he continued to sing as he slowly started to circle them.

"Cisco," Joe stated, "reverse this, please."

"I should warn you," Sebastian suddenly growled, "it's going to take a while."

"No, simple as pressing a trigger, Barry," Cisco scoffed as he stood tall as the man glared as he slowly approached him.

"My name isn't Barry," Sebastian spat out.

Cisco didn't waste another moment as he fired the ray, hitting the man squarely in the chest.

Chris cried out as he felt himself be forcefully ripped from his nest in Barry's brain, "who-who are you-you?" He stuttered, backing himself into the corner.

"Cut it out, Barry," Iris scoffed.

"I'm-I'm not B-Barry, I'm Chris," Chris stuttered, wanting to curl up in his nest again.

Cisco squinted before firing the ray again, seeing as to whether 'smirky' would replace 'Chris'.

"Who the fuck are you?" Seductive Demon growled, looking over everyone.

"I don't think that's Barry..." Iris said, glancing back at Cisco.

"IT'S AN OPPOSITE PERSONALITY RAY! You can only have one wtf, Barry!" Cisco shouted.

"I am the Seductive Demon!"

"You know what, okay, Barry... You are..." Cisco sighed before firing the gun again.

The person was too confident, then to egotistical, was just flirting with Caitlin and Iris - oh, another curled up in the corner.

They all felt like screaming at the top of their lungs, 'how many are there?!'

I am... (Barry And Sebastian One-shots Part Two)Where stories live. Discover now