The dislike of a bored speedster

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Barry was bored and he's a speedster on top of that. Doesn't sound much... Until you remember this particular speedster is also a playful, mischievous twenty-five-year-old that finds great glee in the pain of others through his own pranks.


It was small at first, little changes of items in Vibe's clothing. He even ran to Earth-Three to grab a Superman top for the man to wear - he is confused as to how he put it on and wore it for six hours before realising.

Killer Frost was the next unwilling test subject. Her perfect screens were all covered in post-it-notes. Not a single one out of place, all parts of the screen touched by their stickiness.

Green Arrow didn't get out of it, he got all his uniform hidden around in the secret base - except for one that was placed on the monkey bars positioned to look like the Arrow was using the bars.

- Green Arrow later found the another two looking like they were fighting with swords using two arrows amongst the rafters. Another pretending it was a bat with added cardboard bat ears stuck to the hood. -

Detective West and Iris walked into their house to find it filled with balloons. They were not pleased.

Agent Danvers was a victim of him that wasn't meant to be, she was the first one that walked into Supergirl's apartment and got the pale of paint over her.

Supergirl did however received the second prank set for her, all her yoghurts being frozen... Shame the breach to Earth-One was not working.


Now, now the best prank by far was set not on the heroes, but on the villains. The villains received the most.

They were personalized.

Mirror Master had fake mirrors painted over all the walls, cameras recording the results.

Peek-a-boo had bells stuck to them, preventing them from sneaking up on anyone.

The sprinkler system was enabled in Heatwaves' room again, causing water to shower over him the next time he lit a fire.

Golden Glider's jewellery was covered in silver.

The Top's floor was covered in oiled glass, deadly invisible for when he next span.

Weather Wizard found different weather articles about sunny weather plastered over his rooms and his weather wand. He was ready for murder - but he still wouldn't, he favoured his spot on the Rogues.

Everyone was certain that if the man knew where a speedster was, he would have done something to them, probably would have slowed everything down to wind them up.

But everyone had to agree, the Scarlet Speedster got Captain Cold the best.
It lasted days.
Better yet, Captain Cold started to retaliate.
That lasted for weeks... And everyone felt the consequences.


The first prank on the timekeeping man was the fact that all the clocks were changed to a different time... Nothing was right and nothing was the same as the other.

Next, pieces of clothing were found in different orders. Not much to think about - but hel for the captain of cold.

It was when his cold gun tampered with that he retaliated big time.

His cold gun was transformed so that instead of the blue flames that spat ice - they came out brilliant orange and red. His goggles started to match it as well, soon all his clothing would change when he used it - it threw paint over him after an hour of tweaking to try and fix it.

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