Remembrance of the past

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Snart and Barry were inevitably going to kill Team Flash now. Both had just been dragged up to the pub karaoke stage, and then they couldn't leave because of the drunken idiots that cheered for them all across the place. Why were they cheering, they had no idea whether they were any good?

Cisco whispered something to the Dj, and the Dj smirked back in return, nodding. That's when the hero and villain knew their night was only going to be getting worse.

"We have just got the information that we potentially have a vocal contortionist," the Dj started as Barry felt his face blank.

'How did they find out..? I thought the few videos that showed that we're gone?' Barry thought to himself.

This caught the attention of the group just entering the pub. Who would have thought it, the 2013 Warblers walking through the door right when Barry was about to sing? It was like it was pre-arranged.

"I give you, Always Remember Us This Way!" The Dj exclaimed before the music started.

That Arizona sky...
Burnin' in your eyes...
You look at me... and babe, I wanna catch on fire...
It’s buried in my soul...
Like California gold...
You found the light in me that I couldn’t find...

Barry started to sing, grabbing the full attention of everyone and anyone in the building. Sebastian began to rise, and for once, the two worked together as they sang.

So when I'm all choked up and I... can't find the words...
Every time we say goodbye.., baby, it hurts
When the sun... goes down...
And the band won't play...
I'll always... remember us this way...

When the pair began to sing together, peoples mouth's dropped wide open.

Lovers in the night...
Poets tryna write...
We don't know how... to rhyme.., but damn, we try...
But all I really know...
You're where I wanna go..!
The part..! of me that's you..! will! never! die.!!

People were surprised when others started to hum along in the background like a vocal choir. Then the pair really started to sing together, and everything else was forgotten instantly.

So when I'm all choked up and I... can't find the words...
Find our words...
Every time we say goodbye.., baby, it hurts...
When the sun goes down...
And the band... won't play...
I'll always... remember us this way..!

The pair's voices with the addition of the choir were mind-blowing. It was almost like they were all at a paid professional show.

Oh yeah..!
I don't wanna be just a memory, baby, yeah.!!
Hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo
Hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo
Hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo... hoo...

Their echo first echoed through the room, and then the harmony echoed through all their souls.

So when I'm all choked up and I... can't find! the words..!
Find the words...
Every time we say goodbye.., baby.!, it hurts..!
It hurts...
When the sun goes down... and the band... won't play...
I'll always remember us this way..!
Way yeah..!

The audience's mouths felt dry; their breath sucked from their lungs as they all continued to sing.

When you look at me... and the whole world fades...
I'll always remember us this way...

The song calmed, allowing everyone a chance to regain their breath both singers and audience. The crowd finally started to sing, coming back to the world they briefly left.

"Sebastian..." Barry heard whispered off to the side where the other vocals were coming from.

Bassy rose softly as his eyes swam in un-dropped tears. "Guys..." He whispered to them.

"Happy Birthday, Scarlet," Snart whispered as he rested his hand briefly on Bassy's shoulder before nodding his head to tell him he could go to his childhood friends.

Bassy briefly turned, tears streaming down his face and hugged Snart before almost running over to his old friends. The audience was clapping with tears of their own at this heartfelt reunion.


"How did you all figure it out?" Barry asked the next time he was in S.T.A.R Labs.

"We didn't," the smiled.

"I did," came the unique voice of Leonard Snart behind him. He was resting on the doorway, dressed only in tight black trousers and white shirt with his gun slung over his hip.

Barry felt his breath catch in the back of his throat. His eyes were watering again.

"I realised while out fighting you that something was different... You were missing something," Snart explained as he pushing himself off the doorway and walked into the room, "so I pulled some strings and did some digging."

The others watched the pair with interest. They hadn't heard about how Snart had found out, only told to get Barry there and to sing at a particular time.

"I found out it was your old school friends that you were missing. I got my Rogues to arrange your glee group to appear at the correct time while I got Team Flash to get you up there and singing at the correct time," Snart furthered.

Barry felt a sob choke in his throat; his vision almost blurry with tears as they started to fall again.

"The Dj and the whole of the audience were my Rogues in disguise, we made sure that there was going to be no one that was going to disrupt it for you," Snart said, his smirk turning almost to a soft smile, "ever since they found out your identity two years ago, they grew attached to you. The moment I offered this plan, they jumped at the chance to help you. We even got your boss involved with it."

Barry's resolve broke as he pulled Snart into another hug, his shoulders shaking as he cried. His head was buried into Snart's shoulder as the man rubbed soothing shapes into his back. He heard his friends and family circle around him, offering his their silent support when he finally lifted his head to look around at them.

"Thank you all, so much..." Barry whispered to them all; his voice was wobbling his tears.

"It's nothing, Barry, we wanted to give back to the man that gave us his all," they whispered back to him.


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