Helping out (another short)

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It's funny how life can be. Normal one moment, about to die the next. Especially in Central City when you are their treasured Scarlet Speedster.

Barry Allen's their treasured Scarlet Speedster and life always finds a way to punch him - in many different places.


It was a thundering night, lightning was dancing across the sky. Barry had to be out in it because who knows who else might be.

He was running near the bank of the water, in such weather, someone might fall into the river and the rush of water could wind them against a submerged object and cause them to drown.

He wasn't on the bank because it could cause a landslide. He slowed down to a walk, trying to rub the water stinging in his eyes.


Barry's head flung around, his eyes wide like that of a deer caught in the headlight of a car, staring at Snart. The moment that he went to talk, the air around him felt electrified. His eyebrows scrunched as he tried to figure out why before it hit him like a bolt of lightning - literally.

Snart jumped to motion the moment he saw Barry fly backwards. His gun clattered to the floor as he ran towards the falling speedster. He grabbed onto Barry with one hand, the other onto the roots in the floor as he tried to dig his feet into the floor.

He finally heaved Barry into a secure position with his arm when the root he held onto slipped, ripping both from his hand and the floor.

A hand grabbed onto Snart's stopping them from moving. Oliver was on the way to talk to Barry when he had seen what had happened and reacted. He was holding both onto Snart and onto another root.

Sadly they were too far from the top to be able to get themselves to safety so they just held on. Soon there was a line of civilians, all clinging on their heels dug in.

The top civilian had their feet either side of a gap in the bank wall as they held on with two hands. A few others were either side of the woman helping her stay in place as she took everyone's weight.

Blue lights flashed as the firefighters arrived. They worked systematically, creating pullies to the front of their fire-engines and started to walk down the steep mud.

One tied a safety line around the unconscious speedster, heaving him up before another did the same to Snart and all the others.

The ambulance was there with the speedster on a stretcher. Snart scrambled over to where he was, almost slipping over because of all the mud and rain.

"What blood type is he?" He heard a paramedic hiss.

"AB-," Snart panted, watching the blood around the man pool.

"We don't have one for him regularly on hand..." The paramedic hissed as they looked through the blood stores they have.

"I'm AB-," Snart stated, "you can use some of mine."

"Not gonna ask how you know this," the paramedic stated as they hooked the two up.

Snart sat in the back of the ambulance with one hand resting his head while the other was hooked up, giving vital blood for the speedster.

"What happened?" One paramedic asked him as he was sitting there.

"Struck by lightning," Snart explained, "he was knocked unconscious and nearly landed in the river."

"Mr Captain Cold?" A little voice whispered.

"Yes?" Snart questioned looking down at the group of children in front of him.

"Thank you for saving The Flash," they mumbled as they all hugged him.

Snart was shocked wide-eyed, looking at the paramedics helplessly. Slowly he wrapped his arm loosely around the children before letting them step back.

"Here, I think you dropped this!" One of the children chirped, holding out the cold gun.

"Er, you see that side over there?" Snart said, pointing towards a ledge just out his reach in the ambulance. "Could you put it there?"

"Why don't you want it with you?" The child asked, scrunching his eyebrows together.

"Because it could slow The Flash's healing," Snart said, coming up with it on the spot.

The paramedics were confused, it was obviously a lie, he was purposefully making sure that he wasn't armed.

The child complied and the small group bounced off to their worried parents.

"Do you know where his doctor is?" One paramedic asked Snart, already deciding that the man must know everything they might need.

"His whole team including his doctor will be at S.T.A.R Labs," Snart stated.

Soon Snart was standing in the S.T.A.R Labs elevator next to a now conscious Barry and two paramedics. Snart's arm was still hooked up as a precaution.

Caitlin came rushing to them as the elevator opened, hurrying them to the medical room. The paramedics were questioned vigorously before they all looked over at Snart.

"Hello?" He said, almost like a question, as he waved his free arm.

"So you're saying that he was struck by lightning and you saved him?" Caitlin asked as she started to hook up an IV line to The Flash.

"Along with a load of civilians," Snart nodded. He hissed under his breath as Caitlin unhooked him a bit more violently then strictly needed.

"Snart sit there, eat this," Caitlin said, pointing him towards a chair before throwing a square of a protein bar at him.

He did as he was told, nearly spitting out the food when he ate it. Grudgingly swallowing it, he turned and glared at Cisco. "You made that, didn't you?" He hissed.

"Yes," Cisco shrugged before continuing with a bit of amusement, "I'm surprised you didn't spit it out or throw up."

"They're the ones for Scarlet," Snart realised.

"Yeah, nothing can mask their taste," Cisco replied, wincing slightly.

"Ok, paramedics out! You don't need to be here," Caitlin ordered as the paramedics soon left the building.


"Why did you save me?" Barry asked Snart once the two were deemed healthy by Caitlin.

"Kindness of a man's heart?" Snart joked.

"Now the real reason," Barry stated.

"Didn't want you to die," Snart emitted.

"Takes more than a bolt of lightning to kill me," Barry snorted.

"But a river during a storm while unconscious certainly would have," Snart pointed out.

Barry laughed sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. "Could have. Thanks, again."

"Anytime, Scarlet, anytime," Snart smirked.

"Now, back onto the reason you don't want me to die," Barry smirked, Bassy rising slightly.

"We got a game to play and who would keep me out of the cells?" Snart stated.

"If you say so~," Bassy said in a sing-song voice.


I know this id another short. But the idea came to mind and I could not resist doing it. I could stop doing shorts and focus purely on longs or I could do a mixture of them if you would like.

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