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When Barry saw that it was testing day, he thought the worst. Needle's and wire's prodding him everywhere.

"Barry, we're going to test your stamina," Caitlin said, "but out in the city."

"Isn't that dangerous?" Barry asked

"If we didn't have a rough idea of where it would cut off? - Yes. But we do as we have an idea," Caitlin explained, "at that point, you come to the fields, where you will continue to run there until it does go."

"So run until I can't anymore?" Barry sighed, "food will be one of the reasons why I would stop."

"I think it will be the water intake in the end," Caitlin commented.

"Either way, you are just running for a day," Cisco shrugged as he opened up the door. "You need to run as if you are looking for something."

Flashing into his suit, Barry smiled, "when do we start?"

"When you eat those," Caitlin said, pointing to five energy bars before turning towards her screens.

"I knew it was too good to be true..." Barry sighed before he started to eat the bars.


"How are you doing there, Barry?" Cisco asked over the comms.

"Fine at the moment," Barry replied as he continued to run. He'd been running around the city for over an hour, and it seemed to have brought the attention of people who came out onto the streets to watch him flash by them.

"Alright, tell us if anything changes."


It took another five hours of running for something significant to happen. Barry's vision of the distance started to blur. Buildings far away were beginning to become blobs.

Barry came to a skidded stop, clutching slightly at his head as he spoke into his comms, "vision of distance starting to blur."

"Alright, start making your way to the fields," Caitlin spoke over the comms this time.

Barry agreed back to them as he took in where he was. It seems like the city wanted to mess with him as he was at the other side of all the buildings to the fields. Barry needed to go all the way through it again. So with one final deep breath, he shot off back.

Snart was one of the people that were out on the streets watching him. He was on a road that Barry was flashing by, but not as often as the others as it was near the fields that he had spotted Barry's team set up in.

He should have expected something to go wrong when Barry wasn't flashing through the street at his usual time. When it went over a minute, then he was on edge.

When Barry did appear, Snart was leaning against the wall. Snart hopped off the wall when he saw the reason as to why he was late. Barry had collapsed halfway down, coming to a rolling stop.

While checking that there was no one else there, Snart ran towards the fallen speedster. Turning him onto the speedsters back, Snart made sure the man was breathing before picking him up.

In the end, he had to rest the featherweight man on his hip as he bent down to pick up the ball that was in the speedsters hand when he fell, it was around the size of a tennis ball as well.

It was strange—Blue in colour, made of different parts of a lightweight metal of sorts. Between the cracks, it glowed bright orange and red colour. But it wasn't entirely made of the metal as it seemed. At the top, it had a space of plexiglass where four symbols were located in a clear liquid. There was also a floating arrow that moved around to different edges and corners each time it was shaken.

I am... (Barry And Sebastian One-shots Part Two)Where stories live. Discover now