You're close to him how?

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"Hello, I'm looking for my brother, I heard he works here," a voice asked the receptionist at the CCPD. 

"What's his name?" The receptionist asked without even looking up at the person asking.

"Barry Allen," Cooper smirked, knowing all too well what Sebastian's real name was.

"He doesn't have a..." Anything else that the receptionist was going to say when he looked up and saw just who he was facing and talking.

"He does. I think you will find that he does with one by the name of Cooper Anderson," Cooper smirked.

"He's in the interrogation room three. He has Oliver Queen with him as he interrogates Leonard Snart. The two of them were requested to be there by the thief for some valuable information," the star-struck receptionist.

"Thank you," Cooper nodded, making his way to the room after asking for some directions.


Barry had already disabled all but the small camera in his hand as Snart had requested. Oliver was on edge and looked ready to kill Snart. Snart just looked thoroughly amused.

Just as Snart opened his mouth to tell them the information that they were after finally, a fourth person barged into the room.

"Coop?!" Barry exclaimed, amazed that his high school friend was currently facing him.

"Barry! Brother!" Cooper exclaimed as well as he pulled Barry into a hug.

Behind the two's backs, Oliver and Snart shared looks. Neither had any clue how Barry knew the famous actor Cooper Anderson. And they should know, they stalked- -Researched everything on Barry Allen years ago.

"It's been ages, brother!" Cooper said.

"Yes, it has been, brother. But why burst into an interrogation room?" Bassy asked when they pulled away from the hug. He knew why Cooper was calling him brother so much, and he was doing it for the same reason.

"Because it's been so... Long!" Cooper clapped.

"Still, interrogation room?" Bassy questioned.

"Because I didn't want Mr Muscle Model or Bad Boy Boss to steal you from me," Cooper whined.

"Why would they steal me?" Barry asked, dreading the answer if it was what he thought.

"Because we all know that models often go out together and that you have a thing for bad boys because of your past," Cooper shrugged.

"There's only one model in the room," Oliver whispered to Snart.

"Barry doesn't have a thing for bad boys, past or not... I've tried," Snart whispered back gaining a raised eyebrow from the archer.

"I'm an ex-French model and Snart; you would have to try way harder than what you were doing," Barry shrugged to the pair with a smirk.

Both of the stoic men had quite clear evidence written all over there faces. These reactions caused Barry's lips to twitch into an even better smirk.

"When were you a French model?" Oliver asked.

"Summer many years ago I grew bored and decided to take up modelling and quickly became a favourite of people," Barry shrugged, enjoy the confusion that was still over there faces.

"What past would mean that you would be interested in 'bad boys'?" Snart questioned.

"One that you would like and he would hate," Barry said, nodding to Oliver. He then smirked, "there is not a lot between us, except I know how not to get caught."

I am... (Barry And Sebastian One-shots Part Two)Where stories live. Discover now