A pet villain? Who would have throught it?

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When Barry Allen agreed to date Leonard Snart, he did not expect the backlashes he got. While Barry Allen stayed 'single and not ready to mingle', The Flash was now known for dating the notorious Captain Cold.

The crowds loved it! Covered continuously on the news, always cheered for when the two fought. Never could the pair be left alone when they were together.
Other villains found the crowds throwing things at them as they hissed to stop taking The Flash.

It was mind-boggling - yet so funny that you could cry from laughter for days.

Even the police would act the same. Lovely and sweet to Captain Cold, anyone else, it was like they were chewing gum on the bottom of their shoes.

Barry's friends at S.T.A.R Labs just clapped him on the back and commented that they didn't know he swung that way. They later swapped bets with each other + Cisco was sure that they would have lasted another week if they tried.

Now, Barry's family was a different matter. They were all huffy-puffy. They were saying it is not right to go out with someone like him. They were against it. Joe said that he should have dated Iris - what father wants his children to date each other?

But it seems that the overall opinion between the hero and villain was positive. It seems people like it when heroes and villains to date.
Neither of them would have thought that when they first came out dating during one of the heists that Leonard pulled.


"Barry," Iris hissed as she came storming up to him. She slapped him around the face with what felt to be a chunk of concrete. "Why have you got your pet villain out stealing things... I would be ok, Father would be ok if he stopped, but he hasn't..."

Sebastian rose the moment that she slapped him, his eyes glistening as if filled with fire. "May I ask why you seem to think I have a 'pet villain'? It seems to suggest more about you than me." Bassy hissed back.

The others were watching the two with as much concentration one would put into a fight. In a way, it was a fight.

"Why else would you want the old freak?" Iris huffed.

"Try saying that again..." Sebastian said calmly, his fists clenching as lightning crackled at the back of his neck.

Cisco and Caitlin paled, they realised that Iris had just overstepped the boundary and was now in perilous territory. They involuntarily took a step back, keeping their distance from the aggravated speedster.

"He's old and too slow for someone like you," Iris expressed, "he works with a weapon that was designed to stop you, permanently."

"Yet my friends were the ones to design and made it. You don't tell me to stay away from them?" Bassy pointed out, waving his hand to the two behind him.

Cisco paled further, his chair skating out the way as he collided with it as his body moved back slightly.

"But he's a villain," she snarled.

"When I dated Oliver all those years ago, and you didn't mind," Bassy pointed out.

"He dated Oliver?" Cisco whispered to Caitlin. His eyes were wide, unbelieving that they didn't know about this sooner.

"Apparently so," Caitlin muttered back. Would that mean that him dating Leonard was already much further than him dating Oliver?

"But he's a vigilante," Iris pointed out.

"But is treated the same as a villain, acts the same as a villain. He murders and steals, he lies and has no mercy," Bassy sneered, "that's so much more than Len is or ever was, yet it's Leonard you go against? Tell me why you have such imbalanced hate?" 'You're not even saying about how he kidnapped friends and family.'

I am... (Barry And Sebastian One-shots Part Two)Where stories live. Discover now