Children = annoyance

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"Hey, Mr Flash..." A young child whispered, pulling at Barry's hand.

"Yes?" Barry asked as he crouched down to face them. The child had to be no older than twelve.

"You look like the Seductive Demon of Ohio and Paris, but my parents say that silly - that the bad man is gone," the child said in an almost meek voice.

Barry's mind was in overdrive. 'How could this child figure it out?!' "Well, I'm sure that the bad man won't be appearing again. But if he does, I promise to protect you," Barry said to the young child, holding his hand out fully to the child.

The child's face lit up as they took Barry's hand in full, "thank you, Mr Flash!" They exclaimed happily.

"Now, let's get you back to your parents, I am sure that they are worried for you," Barry smiled to the child.

"Alright," the child said.

Barry gripped onto the child until he came across a pair of adults that he briefly remembered having seen the child with. He stopped in front of them, lowering the child slowly to their feet. "I believe this is yours?" He asked with a smile.

"Yes he is, I hope he didn't bother you too much," the father said as the child ran over to the pair.

"He just asked an honest question," Barry laughed before nodding his head and flashing off again.


"Felicity, can you look up a name for me? You might have greater luck," Cisco asked Felicity over the phone.

"Yeah, give me the name," Felicity said as she settled in front of her computer.

"Seductive Demon."

"I don't even need to look that up to know who that is," Felicity said, "Oliver's been hunting the guy since he stole from him in 2014."

"Barry got told he looked like him by a child, his suit picked up an increase of heart rate common with panic," Cisco explained.

"Now that I think about it, Barry does look like the man," Felicity said, "I'll tell Oliver about it. Try and keep Barry at the labs for the next few hours."


Oliver arrived in full Arrow gear an hour later, a meta dampener arrow at the stand by. He was not going to take any risks.

"Oh, hey Oliver," Barry said as he noticed him walk into the cortex.

"What does the Seductive Demon mean to you," Oliver growled.

'This is all that child's fault!' Barry growled internally. "Don't know," Barry shrugged.

Out of the corner of Oliver's eye, he saw the readings of Barry's suit fluctuate. Cisco must have also, as he distracted Barry enough for Oliver to turn on the meta blocker arrow and shoot it into Barry's leg.

He was still screaming when Oliver clipped the meta blocker around his injured leg.


To say that the CCPD was in shock was an understatement. Their hero was just brought in, cuffed, with a blocker as well as an arrow in one of his legs. No one knew how to take it, especially when they were informed that he was, in fact, a villain in hiding.

Two officers removed the main part of the shaft of the arrow, wincing at the scream that came from the once hero's lips. Without much medical care, he was stripped of his logo and mask before being thrown into an overnight cell, ready to be taken into jail the next day.


Barry's leg was on fire, he couldn't put any weight onto it when they lifted him to his feet.

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