Well, I'D Say That Went Well

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Barry groaned, blinking back the black in his vision. Looking around without moving his head, he noticed that some of his fellow detectives had been grabbed. So he waited, lying motionless until the others awoke and took in their surroundings.

He was almost bored enough to start to move before everyone was awake. Instead, he looked around, spotting they must have been placed in a warehouse storage room. He could see hot water pipes going up the wall, along with various other protrusions, including empty shelving racks and concrete pillars.
It took forever for the others to wake up and notify the kidnappers. Bassy sighed; he'd allow that this time; they were still trainee detectives.

"Finally awake?"

Bassy groaned low under his breath. Great, it had to be a Rogue that got them.
Looking up, he frowned as he didn't recognise the Rouge in front of him. He didn't realise Snart brought in baby metas.

"What do you mean I'm not meant to enter that room?"

Bassy grinned; this was about to get fun.

It was cut off as the door suddenly swung open, revealing Snart.

Leonard glared at the trickster, who tried denying him access to a room in his building. He froze when he realised he could feel multiple more sets of eyes on his back than the empty room should have. Turning around, he glanced around the room, his eyes locked with Barry's, who promptly smiled at him. Leonard's lips twitched into a smirk, "this will be fun to watch." He moved towards an empty chair, moving it to an empty corner away from Barry. "He doesn't have powers."

The older Rouge decided that he didn't want to be anywhere near the man that made Snart smirk like that and promptly fled the building, dragging as many others as he could away.

"What do you mean fun–"

Bassy smirked as the cuff clicked free. Springing forwards, he took the new Rouge by surprise with a punch to the face. Using the spare cuff, he snapped it over their wrist.
Dodging their punch, Bassy flipped the man over his shoulder, using the momentum to send them towards the hot water pipe, snapping the other end of the cuff around the pipe. He smirked as the man briefly brushed against the line, swearing at how hot it was.

"He would have put everything in the storage box by the back door," Leonard said, smirking at how his newest Rogue shot him a look of betrayal. "Would you rather they go through different boxes?"

Ignoring Snart watching in the background, Bassy moved forwards, freeing the other detectives before leading them out of the room, chuckling as he realised that the building was effectively evacuated. He noticed the box Snart meant. With a quick look inside, he saw it was their stuff, so he quickly handed the package to the closest detective.

Bassy was disappointed that there were no other obstacles or people to punch in the face.


Leonard smirked at his struggling Rouge.

"Why did you let them escape?" They asked, "and can you help?"

"You had this coming," Leonard smirked. "And it is not like I could have stopped him from escaping. There is a reason he's on that list."

"I thought it was for fun," they admitted, struggling against the cuffs, "trick the new guy."

"No, it is a real list."

"Why isn't The Flash on the list?"

Leonard smirked, "I don't need to add that name."


David stared at Barry in confusion, the singing of praise from the trainees still ringing in his ears.

Barry looked over at the Captain, "is something wrong, sir?"

"How did you deal with the kidnapping so well?" David asked, "and have Snart only watch?"

Bassy shrugged, "experience."

"I didn't know you'd been kidnapped before," David frowned.

"Why do you think you've not heard of me being kidnapped previously?" Bassy smirked. "Sir."


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