Long lost family (mature towards the end)

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"Hi, Dad."

The whole of the CCPD was silent.

"Santana... What is the meaning of this?" Bassy hissed.

"You know that time where we both wanted to see whether we were bi or just gay after graduation?" Sanatan said, resting her hand on the child's shoulder.

"Yes, that was long ago..." Bassy said, his eyebrows scrunched.

The CCPD was watching the pair with great interest. There were rumours that Santana Lopez had a daughter, but there was never any proof. Except for now.

"I would like you to meet your daughter, Sebaste (Basie) Ao Smythe." Santana said, "she's six years old."

Bassy was shocked still until a smile came fleeting across his face, "Ao, Japanese... A form of green," he whispered. "S.A.S for the initials, much better than B.H.S.S.A," he laughed.

"Thought you would appreciate it when I finally tracked you down," Santana smiled back.

"I'm still shocked..." Bassy emitted.

"And I would not think anything else of it... Come back. The group misses you. We thought you were dead. Then we heard about your coma; you worried your brother and sister half to death," Santana said, holding her daughter close.

Glancing at The Captain and receiving a small nod in return, "I think I can spare a week or two," Bassy smirked.

It was then that Sebaste decided that she wanted to meet her father. She wiggled out of Santana's grip and tentatively approached him. A smile crossed her face when he crouched down so that the two of them were face to face, his arms open wide. She giggled before barreling into him after a reassuring nod from Santana and knocked him clean onto his back.

"Time to head back," Santana said as Bassy got back to his feet, holding onto little Basie.


Bassy's leg was bouncing as the jet landed on the tarmac. He was back in his standard leatherwear; his hair slicked back. It had been so long since he went to Ohio since he had been Sebastian.

"You ready to face the music?" Santana asked, lifting Basie onto her hip.

"As ready as I will ever be," Bassy said, resisting the urge to run his hand through his hair.

"The others are in a private hall not far from here. We will all be wearing costume masks, meaning that we won't give away the element of surprise," Santana said, "even the Warblers are all there."

"I take it you have a plan to reveal me?" Bassy asked.

"When don't I?" Santana smirked, "you will be revealed through a little duet between us. I think that Basie could take your mask to reveal your identity."

"That sounds splendid; I presume that you have the masks?" Bassy asked as he stretched his back.

"Here," Santana said, throwing him a hooded cloak and a black half mask.

Putting it on, Bassy found that the cloak was almost painfully tight on him, but otherwise, it was well. The mask fit close to his skin like the mask of his flash suit.


Walking into the room, Bassy did not expect that physically everyone was going to be there. The hall was buzzing with people, and there were already people up singing on the stage.

"We are singing next," Santana said, pulling him over and grabbing the attention of everyone as she walked by with an unknown masked man and her little-known-of daughter.

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