This is why we throw away the plan

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"Scarlet! This is why we throw away the plan!" Snart exclaimed as another explosion went off in the distance.

Barry, holding a protective arm over his head, hissed back to him, "what do you mean, throw away the plan? I thought that you loved plans!"

"I love throwing them away as well!" Snart said as he threw himself behind the rock Barry was hiding behind.

"Why did I agree to this?" Barry sighed.

"I don't know it was your idea," Snart growled as he looked over the rock before ducking down again.

"I needed that part," Barry hissed.

"So you got me to steal it with you?" Snart asked, still amazed.

An arrow landed right in front of Barry, the green flare stating its owner. "Shoot, Green Arrow's here. We got to go!"

"The meta blocker stops over there, if you can get beyond there we can disappear. I can give us a few seconds chance but I need a distraction first," Snart said, peeking over the top again.

Barry glanced at the arrow. If he could fire it well enough, it could set off a small explosion. There was a rod of steel and a wire of to Barry's side. It would have to do.

He drew the rod and wire into a makeshift bow before coating the arrow in a substance that he always keeps in his pocket.

Wonderful food for a speedster, explosive when hit with a mixture found on the arrow at high force.

Pulling with all his strength, he fired the arrow into the air, arching perfectly.

"That's my arrow?" He heard a gruff voice before the explosion went off.

Snart fired his gun at the floor, creating an icy surface before the two ran beyond the meta line.


Snart spat out the gag from his mouth. "If you wanted me to yourself you could have just asked for a coffee."

Barry growled to himself, pulling the handbrake on the car he hot-wired snd sending them skidding into an empty car park. "We are being chased by the government because of you," Barry hissed Bassy rising to the surface in his anger.

"Your welcome for the part," Snart glared.

"Last time someone gave me that look, I was unable to walk much further than my bed for a whole weekend, great fun," Bassy said with a thinned-lipped smile. "Now I would like silence while I get us to Ohio," Bassy growled as he put the car into reverse and skidded back onto the road.

"Now why would I be quiet?" Snart sassed.

"You will before I do something to make you forcefully quiet," Bassy growled, looking at Snart through the rear-view mirror.

The look in Bassy's eye told him he was deadly serious and would follow through with that threat so he stayed quiet. Through the rest of the drive, he kept himself busy by tapping his knee.

Soon they were walking through the VIP entrance to an airport, the guard had stopped them but Bassy flashed him his French Id and they were both allowed through.

Soon they had boarded a private jet and were making quick way to Ohio.


"Who are meeting here?" Snart asked as they walked through into an abandoned warehouse.

Bassy had gotten changed on the jet and was now in black leather trousers and jacket with a red shirt underneath. His hair was gelled back. He ignored him and pushed the plastic sheet out of the way and walked into the room.

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