The Party's Bathroom.

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Here's a little teaser I decided to combine the first two chapters because they are so small. Hope you like it.

Blue's P.O.V

I wonder if anyone else has went somewhere they didn't want to go for a friend and instantly regretted it. I'm shy by nature but I bloom when I'm around my friends and only my friends. For some reason Maddy had this crazy idea that she would drag me of all people to a party. I don't believe I've ever felt more awkward.

Blue, what's wrong?

Oh dearest friend you don't want to know do you? My social butterfly friend. I'm not really sure how she just now noticed I'm not having a good time here. Maybe because She is entirely in her element here with her borderline emo look and her beautiful straight black hair to match her basically black eyes.. I mean she's beautiful but she's blind in one aspect.

Hello? Is anyone in there?

Potentially but I don't see why it would make any sort of sense to bring your shy werewolf/witch hybrid friend to a vampire party. Am I supposed to feel such comfort in that? Maddy is the only Vampire I'm comfortable with because she is not like the others. She's not power hungry and she's interested in me as a person.. I don't really understand why she brought me here.


Oh the good ole finger snap to get me back into reality. Have I really been spacing out that long ? By the looks of it she looks royally pissed and more pissed at my attempt of a weak smile.



You know I don't like it when you lie to me.. What is your deal?

Maybe if I pretend I'm invisible she won't see me.


My fucking problem Maddy is.. that you thought you could bring A FUCKING WEREWITCH HYBRID TO A VAMPIRE PARTY.

That's what happens when you keep poking and poking and poking at somebody, they snap. I would laugh at the look on her face but I'm too mad to really care.


It might've just clicked why her face was like that because everyone is staring at us and it got to the point where they even stopped the music. Before nobody wanted anything to do with me at this party because they could smell werewolf on me and they don't really fuck with werewolves. Now they all know I'm a rare hybrid so they all want to talk to me.


When we first got here I scoped out where the bathroom was just in case I needed an escape. Well that escape is looking mighty fine. With great speed I hardly dodge any of the power hungry vampires that are trying to talk to me and make it to the sweet bathroom. I never thought I would be so happy to be in here and that the click of the lock would feel like a god send.

Oh sweet golden throne.

Now that I'm in this windowless bathroom how the fuck am I going to get out? My one Solace is also my trap. I can smell all the vampires crowding outside the door and it's kind of freaking me the fuck out! I don't even know what to do! Wait.. that smells like Maddy! I'm going to teleport her in so we can talk. I'm sure she'll make things better, much better.

Maddy's P.O.V.

I don't believe I've ever felt more disappointed in my kind. Here we all are outside the bathroom door waiting for Blue but I'm waiting for her because she's my best friend and I feel bad.. They are waiting for her because she's a hybrid. This isn't how any of this was supposed to go by any means.


Blue is very introverted and she is constantly worried about.. Well, everything so I thought that I could bring her to this party and loosen her up a bit. I introduced her to my friends and showed her around the house and she seemed okay. So I left her by herself for two seconds while I went to go find us some drinks but I had no idea at the time that I wasn't going to find them..


Honestly how could I be spending 10 whole minutes searching for drinks? What ass makes them inaccessible? I should be getting back soon.. Well I'm not going to continue to look like an idiot and look for them I'll just ask this guy.

Hey, Do you know where the drinks are?

He looked unsure of me ? But I guess he decided I was fine because he motioned me to follow him. Do all of us vampires look this shady? How far am I going to have to follow him for a simple drink.

"Here you go Miss"

He's grinning at me and ofcourse he is because he just wasted all of my time.

Flashback over

By the time I made it back to Blue she seemed upset and I just wanted to know what was wrong but in turn her secret go out and lead to here.

Where is here again? A second ago I was out in the hallway and now? I think I'm in the BATHROOM! Did she teleport me here?! Is she crying?

Blue I am SO sorry! I honestly just thought you were being anti-social again.

I can tell how frustrated she is and I hate seeing her so torn up like this. Hopefully this hug will help her feel better.

I honestly feel so helpless right now. I don't even know what I should do next. They know what I am now and there's no escaping it. We can't possibly believe I can be a normal human now!

Right now she needs confidence and that's what I'll give her.

Blue, fuck being normal. We were never normal to begin with.

My eyes stayed locked to hers until she cracked a smile.

You always know exactly what to say!

I walked towards the door with my now happy best friend.

Let's get out of here.

She grabbed my arm quickly as she paled.

What about everyone out there?

Yeah I kind of fucking FORGOT about them. That is a perfect question Blue, How ARE we going to get out of here safely? There aren't any windows nor other doors and we have a horde of vampires outside our only exit! We're fucked unless we could somehow get outside because 90% of them are waiting for us to come out of the door. What if... We COULD go outside?

Oh shit Blue! What are we supposed to do?

I say dramatically with a smile.

We are truly trapped!

I map my hands out on the wall furthest from the door in a rectangular motion. Blue looks at me so confused.

I can't believe we don't have any windows in here!

She understood that perfectly and created a magic window.

Maddy please don't make me go out there! I won't be able to handle it!

She winks at me and jumps out the window without looking. Oh yeah Blue.. it's only two fucking stories down! Yeah no big deal at all!

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