The moring of parent day. (Short chapter)

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.*.*.*.---Devon's POV---.*.*.

Welcome everybody! We are gathered here early this morning to discuss what's going to happen later today. Today is "Parent Day" so Parents of our teenage wolves will have to dress up and pretend they are not from around here. You can pick a state truly any but just know the right things to talk about.

He squeezes my hand encouragingly.

Teens! This is a Private high end Trade school so students find a trade! We have pamphlets in the activity room and you should know your "trade" you've been preparing for months. Today is the only day any of you teens can call me Devon. The only time you can look at me as a peer or a classmate and not an Alpha . I also need two single wolves who look like they could be my parents who can also call me Devon for the day. Don't worry you will be very well taken care of.

He beams before scanning the crowd once again.

Oh and by the way you are my friends, Blue's friends, Tyler's friends and Maddy's friends. So choose who you want to be friends with for the day. Most of all enjoy yours because there will be lots of food and today is going to be fun. Before I dismiss you I would like to tell you the "parents" are coming in at 12:00 so that means parents get in cars at 11:45 and drive away and come back for 12:00! Now you all have the rest of your morning as your own. Good day.

Can I go back to sleep?

Aren't you excited to see your mom?

But Dev. I'm also really fucking tired and I have to use magic to make her think I learned more than I did.

Hey stop making a pouty face.

But I'm tirrrred. How come Maddy and Tyler didn't have to come?

Because they aren't my Luna.


Am I sensing some sass this early in the morning?

Well... Maybe if you DIDNT wake ME UP. We wouldn't have this problem.

So much sass.. That's it. That's truly it.

What .?

I'm not going to deal with it.

I can tell she doesn't know if I'm actually mad or not and I'm feeding off of it.

But Dev..

That's why I'm giving you a 5 minute head start before I come tickle you to death.

That's not fair.

Says the one who can teleport.

She hates that I'm right but she's so cute when she's mad, squinting her eyes and shit at me.

It's too early for this.

I think you're just afraid to loose.

I think I just want to take a nap.

Oh fine, then find a place to hide and sleep there because your 5 minutes have started.


What's that? 4 minutes and 30 seconds?

I hate you..

That's not what you said the other day.

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