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.*.*.*.-- Blue's P.O.V.---.*.*.*.

This shower feels nice, it gives me time to collect my thoughts. The hot water beating away my worries and the vanilla body wash smelling amazing but washing away the milkshake..

My thoughts are racing I just can't get him off my mind. Why is he so perfect? One day I picture is together as like a picture family. Woah, Do you hear yourself?

Isn't it illegal for an 18 year old and a 16 year old to be together? Mmm is it? Maybe not but definitely not in werewolf time dummy. Hmm none of this makes any sense to me.

What does make sense is Tyler likes Maddy and I'm a creep who is falling for Devon. Will I tell him? nope. He can't win everything, That.... Milkshake spiller.

Hmm. Well I should probably go see Maddy because I told her I would stop by but I really wanna see Devon. Hmm Maddy or Devon. ? No, Blue stop. Maddy has been there forever for you. You can't just choose a guy you practically just met just because you have a freaky bond with him.

Well said. I love mentally high fiving myself. Okay so to turn this off .. Wait I don't even remember how I turned the shower on. Ahh. I can't just leave it running. Think. think.think. Well I could always.... Haha oops that's better. I like using my powers.

At least there is a rug when you step out of the shower and big fluffy towels! And you know the COLD floor AHH cold cold cold cooooooold. So I feel awkward running around my room screaming cold while looking for clothes.

I should've set clothes out before but whatever.. Who said life had to be easy? I think with the kind of mood I'm in I'm just going to put on some joggers and a green day shirt.

Who cares about hair? I'm just gunna wear it down. Which drawer is the socks? Pants..No. Shirts...No. Bra's? definitely not. Oh finally! SOCKS.

I'm just walking out of my room like an hour later.. Looks like I decided to take a really long shower. So this looks like her room because it has a do not enter sign on the door.

.*.*.*.--- Maddy's P.O.V. ---.*.*.*.

I hear knocking on my door, I know it's Blue because we always knock the same way rhymically. 1 knock, pause, 4 knocks together, pause , 2 with a small pause between.

Come in.

Blue steps in my room and takes a look around and her mouth drops .. I guess she didn't look around her room yet. I mean, my room is nice.

My walls are Orange, I have a King size bed, Pokemon themed bed spread, a huge flat screen Tv, all the Nintendo counsels/handhelds, all the Sony counsels/handhelds and my band posters mhm,mhm,mhm. Kellin Quinn. A fine piece of human man.

Come on, sit down! There is enough room on this bed for the both of us.

I'm motioning to all the empty space in my bed cause there is a lot. Finally she sits down and doesn't stand there awkwardly my god, this women.

Hey girly


What's up?

Nothing much you?

Nothing much.

Sooo... What did you and Tyler do all day? *wink wink*

I don't know why but I feel kinda attracted to Tyler.. Maybe because he smells really good and he is just soo perfect. I would never tell him or anyone for that matter well.. Maybe Blue... But that's it.

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