Beta Tyler

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.*.*.*.---Tyler's P.O.V.---.*.*.*.

I hear through the pack link that Alpha Devon is back. Being the packs Bets I feel like should be the first one to see him. So I start running through our land because I was in the woods when I saw the limo he took.

Devon is supposed to bring back the rogue and the vampire... Well those were his orders but I feel like something isn't right. Like something is weird about this rogue and vampire.

I'm getting closer to him and I see him get out of the limo he looks lost in thought like he is glad to be home after a long assignment. Then he sees me and panics and looks away pretending he didn't see me.

Is he okay? What's gotten him so shooken up? The guy who can instantly put fear into anyone with so much confidence is panicking ? What's going on with my Alpha.

Well, he is helping a girl out of the car I'm guessing she is the rogue.. but why is he looking at her with so much love? What's going on? He doesn't care about about anyone besides our squad. Well here goes nothing.

~Alpha did you get the rouge... Wait.. Luna ?


The squad is gunna laugh their asses off. I've never seen him soo protective over anything. I should be bowing down but instead I'm clutching my stomach and laughing my ass off oh.. This is great.

It will be even funnier when they find out that the rogue is alphas mate! Oh, today just gets better and better I'm enjoying every little second of this! I've never laughed so hard in my life.

.*.*.--- Maddy's POV ---.*.*.

I feel it... That feeling.. you know the feeling when YOUR LIFE IS OVER. So we are here and all I can smell is wet dog. Ugh y'all smell nasty as fuck you need some kind of doggy shampoo to take the stank away.

So I'm still sitting in this limo deciding weather or not I want to get out and ruin my entire life forever. Ugh why? Why did we have to go to that party? Why did Blue set off the fire alarm?
If none of that happened I would still be home looking up pictures of cute boys on tumblr and writing stories on Wattpad. Ugh just fuck my life.

Well looking out the open door I see woods and lots of woods. They kinda remind me of the one Blue and I were running through to escape my crazy vampire kin. Awe, that's so cute he just helped her out of the limo.

Wait.... What the fuck? Did I just say awe? Get yourself together Maddy. That thing is repulsive  ! He makes me want to kill lots of innocent people just by breathing. Ugh how could they be mates? If Blue wasn't his mate she would understand how wrong this guy was. How he doesn't belong in her life at all..

But the God damn Moon Goddess had to mate them together.. What kind of match is that? Obviously not a match made in heaven...

This must be the glorious Beta laughing his ass off at the sight of his dick munch of an Alpha being so protective of Blue. I mean he is holding her against him and growling at his OWN Beta. Wolves... Wolves... Stupid, stupid wolves. Why would he want Blue? She is obviously The Dick of them all's.

WAIT.... NO SHE ISNT HIS. But technically she is cause she is his mate.. NO NO NO MY BESTFRIEND WILL NOT BE OWNED. I don't approve of this "mut" she is mates with but I will do all in my power to make sure she is not anyone's property and that they "own" eachother equally.

Well I should probably get out of the Limo now... Ugh the smell of wet dog is so strong in this air and now Tyler is staring me.. Ahh fuck he better stop before he has an angry monkey on his face.

.*.*.--- Blue's POV ---.*.*.

He just helped me out of the car. I feel so many tingles. How can I feel soo happy? Hmm there is another guy approaching.

~Alpha did you get the rouge... Wait.. Luna ?


Well now he is holding me against him so tight my face is in his chest. Mhm he smells sooo good. I honesty could stay here forever except for the fact that he is squeezing alittle too hard. I think he just hear my tiny yelp cause his grip loosened alittle bit.

I heard him in his thoughts say Tyler. So I think Tyler is his Beta but that doesn't explain why he is laughing hysterically at Devon. Part of me wants to laugh and part of me is mad at him.

So I'm going with the Funner side and I'm finding it's nice to giggle. I think me giggling has snapped Devon out of over protective Wolf mode because I'm feeling him relax.  Good, I don't like his angry growl even though he looks kinda hot when he is mad but that's not the point.

Well I think he is fully relaxed cause he is stroking my hair. Awe, he doesn't seem like he could be so gentle.


Yes Beautiful?

Are you going to introduce me to your Beta?

I really don't want to but I guess..

Tyler, this is Blue future Luna

At the sound of his name Tyler stopped laughing and got really serious.

Blue,this is Tyler my Beta.

He is holding out his hand for me to shake so I'm shaking it.

~It's nice to meet you.

It's nice to meet you too.

I feel like maybe we smiled or shook hands for too long because Devon started growling. Jeeez I can't even shake hands with his own Beta?

Calm down there you mutt he doesn't want her but I would rather her have him then you!

What's that supposed to mean?

Well for starters he is wayyyy better looking then you. Come on look at him. He looks like he isn't a self conceded prick who only cares about himself and he obviously has class.

Listen here leech you are on MY land not your little blood sucker land! MY land so as long as you are here, I would keep your mouth shut and talk to me with some damn respect.

Blah blah blah do you ever shut the fuck up ? Cause that's all I'm hearing from you. You listen here Pup I don't know who you think you're talking to but you better shut the hell up before you have an angry monkey on your face.  And for your information, Mr. "I'm soo wonderful, everyone kiss my ass and lick my shoes clean" I could have more Vampires here faster then you could say Mama.

Is that a threat?

Well Tyler, this is Maddy and Maddy this is Tyler.

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