You need to know.

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.*.*.*.*.---- Blue------.*.*.*.*.

Everything has been so different since I came back I mean I'm sitting at breakfast and everyone keeps staring at me. Do I look that different ? Do I have some kind of disease or something ? I don't know. They just won't stop staring and I can't figure out why? I was gone for a while but still...

I can feel your uneasiness. These are your people you need not to worry Blue.

A wave of calm rushes over me and I feel alright.


Why is Tyler carrying Maddy like that? She looks confused.


He carefully puts Maddy down and power hugs me.

Tyler what the hell are you doing?

~Why I'm hugging you silly !

Tyler you're the one who brought me here .

~ I know but you're just so huggable.

What the hell happened to Tyler?!
I narrowed my eyes.

Did you eat sugar Tyler ?


Oh god

I said the same thing.

.*.*.*.*. Mind link .*.*.*.

~ We need to talk about what's really been going on here. Everyone is going to lie to you because they don't think you can handle it. You deserve to know.

Know what?

~Here isn't a good place if we link too much longer they'll know something is up!

So you're acting?


One question, how are we gunna get out of here without seeming suspicious?

~ I have an idea play along

.*.*,*.* End of link .*.*.*.*.*

Tyler pulls me out of my chair and laughs crazily.

~How about we all play alittle game?

He wraps his arm around my shoulder and squeezes. I guess it means it's almost my que.

Tyler what are you doing?

~ I'm glad you asked my love, We're going to play a game of hide and seek the only rules are we can't leave the property.


~I'm glad everyone agrees. Now you guys are going to seek and we're going to HIDE!

At that moment he squeezed my shoulder so hard that I knew I had to teleport but where?

Devon was making his way towards us.

~ adios amigos

Just like that we were gone and I took us to the one place nobody would think to look and the safest place here.

~ Your old room really?

He plops himself on my bed.

Nobody can hear or sense us here. This better have been important Tyler. Devon Is still on edge from when I left so a disappearing act isn't really a smart choice.

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