Gulf -distance

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Today I was back at work I still couldn't believe I had that dream it felt so real. I could really feel mew like he was there with me.

This place clearly sending me crazy I walk into the bar and see p'mae I ask her how she been and we talk about what we had planned over the summer holiday. She was so lovely I couldn't believe she work in a place like this she was so Delicate. Her blond hair sat shoulder length she smile so brightly like a ray of sunshine . I really like p'mae I'm so lucky to have her here working with me.

We had another band here today which was more rock music the bar was pack again and I couldn't wait to have a break my feet hurt  and I really needed a fag.
11pm come I went out to the balcony again to watch the beautiful ocean it was so Calm the moonlight lite up the beach front. not even a person insight.

P'mew crossed my mind I was trying to not to see him today as Im not sure I would be able to look at him the same knowing what I was dreaming of him. God is he ever  knew that happen I be fired. Still I couldn't help wonder why hadn't I seen him around, maybe he busy.
I finish my fag ready to head back inside the wind pick up and I could feel the breeze push through me. I hurried inside hoping it's wasn't about to rain.

As I walk over to the second bar I could see p'mew coming from the stairwell with a beautiful young girl, her eyes was a deep blue even in the dark I could see she was stunning her long legs, sway as she walked behind mew he turn around and whispered something to the girl.

Again the angrier inside me started to boil , why did I not like seeing him with someone else. Was I jealous ...absolutely not he was my boss. Just my boss

I couldn't help but frown now I was piss and I know I'm too hot headed but this was not happens I didn't want to watch mew flirt with someone else. Hell no not after what he did to me he can't just sleep with anyone,
I grab a beer and neck it to calm down I was so mad.

I watch mew help the girl off the last step like a gentleman would do, still my eyes was glued to mew. Shaking I was shaking with rage

Suddenly mew started to walk towards me with the girl, my face drop I was frozen to the ground I hope I don't say some thing inappropriate. She truly was beautiful like a model her smile was like p'mae she was happy. The closer they got the more I couldn't breath.

"N'skyla this is gulf , he new here and is doing  very well. Most of the lady only come here to watch this handsome man work. " mew pointed to me

I was speechless I couldn't even form a word. mew look at me widen he eyes.

"Gulf please welcome my friend are u ok what is wrong "

Yet he spoke tho words and he mouth didn't even move. !!! My eyes widen in shock I didn't even blink I just stare at mew knowing he didn't say tho words aloud he was in my mind again.

" oh so sorry I was enjoying the music , I'm gulf nice to meet you "

I put my hand out for her to shake trying to be polite but mew push it away now I found my voice I grab mew and whispered to him.
"We need to talk so find time later to do so I finish work in 2 hours ."

With that I excuse myself from n'skyla and make it back to the other bar where p'mae was.
I needed to calm down why was I this furious over this. she was just a women did I want her she was indeed beautiful but I knew she wouldn't be up for a one night stand and I don't blame her she deserves to be a wife.
Or did I want mew , did I dream tho things of him cos I wanted him . To feel him.

Trying to clear my mind getting all this crazy stuff out it and just focus on the job at hand I will talk with mew later and work our what is happen here.

My breathing started to steady now and working my last few hours went by very quickly

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