19. That sounds familiar...

Start from the beginning

It was only a matter of time before she caught up.

At least that's what she thought, considering that her pace should beat Killua's, especially since he looked pretty out of it when he left.

'Why are you trying so hard? He should be fine, it's his family. No matter how twisted it is. I suggest waitin-'

"But...we don't know for sure right?" Kosai's grin fell flat, and her pace quickened just a little, "We don't know if Killu-kun will be fine, right?" 

'I suppose not?'

"Then, even with the slightest chance, that Killu-kun's gonna get hurt or somethin', shouldn't we follow him? Ta' make sure he's like, even a little more okay?"

'...Since when have you cared about stuff like that?'

Nef heard her go silent, and felt her head slightly tilting to the right, like she did whenever she was thinking hard.

"Since now!"

'Why now?'

"Cuz' y'know, Onee-chan really cared 'bout that stuff!"

'So. You're just copying her?'

"Of course! Onee-chan is like, god!"


"Remember that one time she flew!"

'I'm pretty sure you're talking about is when she sprinted off a cliff.'

"Same thing~"

'It's not. Watch out for that pole.'

"What pol-"

Kosai swiftly looked up, belatedly noticing a silhouette growing increasingly closer. She squeaked and squeezed her eyes shut as she anticipated the coming impact.


"Wait, that didn't hurt."

She curiously opened her eyes again, now in the middle of am unfamiliar room, blue specks of light dissipating around her.

'Well then, I suppose Killua will have to wait anyways.'


Kosai aggressively kicked down the fancy golden door she was in front of, revealing that she was inside a castle of some sort. She walked down the patio, feeling incredibly frustrated.

"I completely forgot 'bout this!"

'It has been getting less frequent.'

Kosai slumped forwards, "We were almost done catching up too...The scent was getting super strong..."

She still couldn't quite understand why she had been teleporting at random times, all she knew was that it was caused by Six-kun's death, she had no control over it and that it was annoying. Very. Annoying

She kicked a golden pedestal.

A second later, frantically hopping up and down, while holding the foot she kicked with.



"Shut it Nef!" She pointed accusingly at Nef with teary eyes, " 'Yer just like Killu-kun!"

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