Chapter 15🖤

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(I am listening to Harry Styles- Adore, Bea miller- Like that)

Brandon's POV

I can't believe I am going to a party with Emily of all people, if Riann heard about this she would definitely have me for supper. She hasn't called me I guess she is still mad about our fight yesterday. I don't even know what got into me, I was just upset that she was leaving. I wasn't expecting her to be so mad to a point that she asked me if I only got to notice now that she is too good for me, her face turned red and I swear I have never seen her that mad.

If she was not as upset she would have said that I am just like that character of hers who curses a lot and according to Riann gets the worst out of that Jessa girl. I never pay much attention to her when she describes every detail of that ' After we collided' book of hers. I pretend to be bored only to annoy her. I still can't believe she compares me to that Hector guy who dates this Jessa girl on that book.

"I didn't think you would make it" Emily hands me a red cup with brown like liquid in it. I glance at her outfit, she honesty looks 'skanky' as Riann would say. I doubt Emily even cares who might be looking.

"Wow looking skanky" I glare at her bare legs and she smiles. She's obviously dressed for Daniel to notice her, and we all know that Daniel only goes for hit and forget not hit and stay, not that I am any different.

"It's the molly fashion prick" she rolls her eyes.

"Is that supposed to be some new skanky fashion?"I smirk.

"Stupid ass, no...from the movie 'After'. There's a girl called molly and she wears the same way I am" she twirls.

"You got that from Orianna right" obviously Riann told her about the movie 'After' it's her favourite.

"The recommendation for the movie? Yes, the advice to wear Molly's fashion? Uhm hell no"

"Obviously" I roll my eyes at her.

"One would say you are Hardin and Anna is Tessa" she laughs.

"Isn't it Hector and Jessa?" I confusedly ask.

"Are you crazy, it's Hardin( harry) and Theresa" she swats my arm and drinks from her cup, containing some liquid different from mine.

"Same thing, what are you drinking?" I point at her cup.

"Oh this is cherry vodka, now drag you ass and come with me,"she leads the way. " I think they must be playing truth or dare and i haven't played in a long time, ready for some dirty dares?" I avoid her and continue following her.

Author's note: follow me to the next chapter please...ilysssm...'poetry and novels'🖤

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