chapter 8🖤

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After a long afternoon, shopping with my mother we finally get home.

"Let me make us a quick dinner while you pack, do tell if you need help." Mother really gets excited over small things. I mean who gets excited over packing, I would say me but I ain't mama and excitement doesn't just roll it's way straight to me. My mother's hymns are loud enough to reach my bedroom's closed door, causing me to complain out loud so that she hears me." Mama you sure are a good singer but that's enough for tonight.

I wonder how it could have been if mama and papa raised me referring to them as mam and sir. It sounds creepy and whoever calls their parents that surely feels like a complete outsider. Mama used to call her parents mam and sir but never talks about it. I guess she never liked it or something like that.

"Deep into thoughts I see" mama leans by the door.

"Just thinking about this trip that's all" I frown trying to get back to reality," after all none of my friends are going."

"You will do perfectly fine, you always do" mama smiles and closes my suitcase.

"Ma?" I sit by my bed.

"Mmmmhh"she sits next to me.

"How did you know that you wanted to be a writer?I mean how sure were you?" I bow my head expecting her to avoid me. From what I know her parents never really liked her being a writer , they wanted her to be a doctor or teacher but she was never interested in either.

"Well Anna, the thought freaked me out but I noticed from the way I held the pen and I already knew I was a writer. The way ideas flooded my mind right when I looked at a blank paper, my creativity and perspective gave me the confidence to be a writer," she playfully draws circles on her palm.

"That's beautiful mama" I am almost speechless but whisper slowly to her. She smiles and nods. She carefully places the suitcase on the floor. The smile on her face is clear and grows as she looks at me and I can tell how much she loves and adores me, her only daughter. We finally head out my room for dinner and I am sure my stomach might have growled more than five times.

Author's note:  adiós I am exhausted but I hope you enjoyed the chapter, Te amo🖤...'poetry and novels'🖤

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