chapter 12🖤

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"Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same"(After we collided)🖤

" Good morning sunshine" mama pulls the blankets off my tangled body.

"Oh come on, two more minutes" I groan and pull the blankets over my face.

"Anna wake up or you won't make it to the bus in time" mama pinches the bottom of my feet.

"Seriously now?" I open my eyes and make it out of bed.

"Don't take long, you have an hour to finish everything" mama says. I choose to ignore her and prepare my self for the trip.

"Oh no you don't..." My mother states as I enter the kitchen.

"I don't what?" I raise my hands in confusion.

"Go tie your hair into a pony tail, that way you look neat and organized." How perfect, now I have to look neat and organized for a trip. Surprisingly my hair behaves and I tie it into a "neat pony tail".

" Won't you look at how neat you are, have your breakfast so that we can leave." Mama glares at me the entire time as I eat, it looks like she wants to complain about how slow I am but decides against it. She takes my luggage to the car and waits till I finish eating.

" Now that you have everything, we can go right?" Mama raises a brow and smiles.

"For someone who is going to miss me, you look pretty happy that I am leaving but let's go" I sigh and she laughs.

"You're just worked up, you'll be fine...I promise" she says.

"Yeah" I look out the window and hymn.

"Ok now let's go."

We arrive at school and it seems the bus is packed as the other students make their way inside. I can already feel the boredom creeping it's way in my mind.

"This is going to be so much fun, yay" I sarcastically remark and roll my eyes. Mama laughs and kisses me goodbye, there is now about ten minutes before leaving so I use this time to use the bathroom.

"Anna" a voice calls behind me, so I turn to see the caller. Emily is making her way to me, she looks very beautiful in that blue dress of hers that reveals her body in a lovely manner.

" Hey, what are you doing here" I narrow my eyes with a small smile on my face. I don't remember Emily saying anything about the trip nor do I remember her being chosen. Well then why is she here?

Author's note:  no complaints please bear with the poor author...Te Amo...'poetry and novels'🖤

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