chapter 3🖤

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As I wake up in the morning, my excitement can not be contained. I keep on smiling all morning long.

"Someone had a goodnight, haven't they?" Says my mama and I realise that I haven't noticed that she has been in the kitchen all along.

"Oh mama can't a person just smile for the sake of smiling, I don't need a reason to smile" I say convincingly.

" I don't remember saying you need a reason to smile , anyway do you need a lift to school?" My mother asks while grabbing her keys and bag from the sofa.

"No mother I'm good,bye" I make my way out the door, my smile not leaving my face. My mother is a writer, self employed and owns a blog about inspiring young people. She started writing at sixteen and has won quite a few awards. My father is a detective, he always preaches safety and justice which I don't find interesting. I want to be a doctor and maybe a songwriter if possible.

When i get to school, I find Leah and Ashley arguing all because Leah keeps on complimenting boys who are in higher grades and Ashley shows no interest and rolls her eyes which somehow annoys Leah. I decide not to say a word about meeting Brandon, if I do Leah will look for him until she sees him. Our last class is mathematics and as always Leah and Ashley are not in their best mood.

The bell rings indicating that it is school out and we all pack our books to go home. Leah leads Ashley and I out the door and as I exit the door my eyes meet Brandon's. He is standing with the two boys he was with yesterday. I quickly look away and cross my fingers hoping he does not approach me.

"Orianna" Brandon calls out to me. I turn to face him as he makes his way to me.

" Hi" I smile nervously.

"You remember me right, Brandon" he tilts his heard and half smiles.

"um... you must be the guy I met yesterday, who texted me reminding me who he was and is now standing in front of me still reminding me that he is Brandon, so no I don't remember you." I smile and narrow my eyes.

He laughs,"well you never replied to my text so I got worried a bit."

"Um...yeah my battery kind of died, but I will be sure to text you today." I say

"Okay make sure you do, see you later...i mean chat later" he stutters and smiles.

" Yeah chart later"I smile and he winks at me before walking away. I turn to face two of my curious friends who look like they might have seen a ghost.

" Since when do you talk to such hot guys?" Leah asks biting her bottom lip as she does whenever she wants gossip.

" Since when do I answer to you? He is just a person from school, now let's go." I lead Ashley and Leah to avoid any more questions.

I finally get home and remember that both my parents are working till late today. The house is so quiet that I can almost hear my own thoughts. If I sleep now I will only wake up at midnight. I get to my room and change into casual blue jeans and a dusty pink top. I make my way to the kitchen and my phone rings, it is not often that I get phone calls unless if it mama or papa if not them it has to be my aunt, Melina. Leah and Ash never call instead they would rather text me five times in one minute. I grab my phone from the kitchen counter and surprisingly it is Brandon calling. It now clicks that I promised him that i would text him.

"Hey, how are you doing" I say as soon as I place the phone on my ear.

"Hi, I was actually waiting for your text but figured it might have slipped your mind so I decided to call." He says.

" Oh yes, I did say I  would text you. Sorry i forgot" I pretend to have forgotten, truth is I did not fully forget.

" Its okay, I wanted to check if you are available ,today? "He stutters.

"Well during the week I am not available, I have know" I respond hesitantly.

" Oh okay, well it's fine, talk soon." He sighs then hangs up.

I feel like an absolute jerk for not telling him that I am available. Papa says boys have bad intentions but what if he's wrong. I mean what if Brandon is like those guys from the movies and novels.

"See you in fifteen minutes" I text him and look myself in the microwave mirror to make sure i look okay.

Author's note: i dont really have much to say... 'poetry and novels'🖤

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