chapter 7🖤

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Emily and I get close as time goes by and we sometimes walk home together. On thursday morning my mother reminds me that I have to get a few clothes for the trip that I was chosen to go to for top 10 grade nine mid term results. Brandon also reminds me that he has a meeting for grade eleven learners that he has to attend to, meaning we won't see each other and won't walk home together. He has been very busy lately and whenever he tells he tells me that he won't be available I roll my eyes  in annoyance and nod making him laugh at me. It's been a while since I have spoken with Ash. We simply pass each other like two strangers. I really miss her but she chose to walk away from me not the other way around. I try to remind myself everyday that she walked away only to comfort myself that I am not a bad person.

As Emily and I walk home I spot Brandon's bag, he is standing with those two guys again.

"Riann" he shouts my name and I turn to wait for him.

" I thought you were having a meeting" I say as soon as he approaches us.

"They only made one announcement, that's all" he walks beside me.

"Oh, say hi to her, where are your manners" I scold him and turn to point at Emily.

"Oh of course, hi I suppose you are Orianna's friend?" He smiles as Emily.

"Hi, I better go, bye" Emily turns towards the other direction and walks away.

"How weird" I quietly say and kick the small stones on my path.

"What?" Brandon raises a brow.

"Nothing, just lost in thoughts" I try to change the topic. He didn't kiss me on the cheek nor call me his girlfriend instead he asked Emily is she's Orianna's friend.

When we reach Mrs Green's corner he tries to kiss my cheek but I jerk away and pretend to haven't noticed him trying to kiss me. I wave bye and walk away before he can say anything. Brandon is changing lately, he doesn't have time for me and is acting strange.

I start to wonder if Ash was right about all the things she said about Brandon and other girls. I do not really want to think that she might have been right but my subconscious thinks otherwise. I try to avoid her but I have to ask ash about her accusations towards Brandon. Maybe I should text her when I get home, I doubt she will be keen to answer me judging from how she has been avoiding me lately.

I get home to find my mother glued to her laptop. I don't want her to ask questions about my day but if I don't greet her or walk quickly past her, I will hear the lecture about how bad manners lead a child astray.

"Orianna Anna Young" my mother says taking her eyes from her laptop.

"Hi...mama" I mutter.

"Want to go shopping with your favourite mother?" She smiles and flatters her messy eyelashes.

" You mean my only mother, don't you?" I roll my eyes and half laugh.

"Of course, now go change" she instructs while putting on her shoes and reaching for her keys and purse.

" Have you been waiting for me all day?" I make my way to my room to change.

"Yep, remember you have a trip tomorrow"she makes her way out the door. I change into black jeans and mustered top but catch myself lost in thoughts for a few minutes. I rush out my bedroom to avoid my mother calling me multiple times.

"Do you need a lot of outfits for the trip?" My mother gets inside the car.

"No mama, I'm only going for the weekend you know" I rub my temples.

Author's note: I decided to steal some time from my school's schedule...ilysm.. 'poetry and novels'🖤**it's just a catch phrase**

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