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Taehyun got home after relaxing down his mind because of Taera's misunderstanding that lead him to kill someone to release his stress.

Once he entered the house, he saw Taera coming downstairs.

"Taera." He said , enough for her to look up to him.

He closed the door and walked to her, immediately clasped his hand with hers. He let his eyes fixed on her although Taera was looking away, the anger was still inside.

"That bitch with her brother are still there, go ahead and fucking rip their privates." Taera fumed.

Taehyun knew what would calm her down so he took out a box of chocolate that he hid on her back and gave to her. Not even a minute passed, Taera hugged him while squeeing.

"Let's just forget what happen, okay? You know that I'll love you more than my boys." He caressed her cheeks as soon as she pulled away, lovingly.

Taera nodded as she went shy. Taehyun had to deal with her kind of behavior or else, they'll stick to where the foolish argument.

"Where's everyone?" Taehyun inquired while his eyes wandered around.

"Soobin's at a guest room with a girl." Taera answered though her eyes were still admiring the gift Taehyun bought.

Taehyun stepped aside and ran to the only guest room there was. His eyes went five times bigger when Taera mentioned girl although he knew Soobin was gay. ( oops my bad )

He reached the room and opened the door only to be met with a terrified Hyejun on the bed, Soobin was trying to calm her down.

"Hyejun.." The scene, the horrific scene a year ago flashed through his mind as he made his steps closer to the bed.

Hyejun had her ears closed with both of her palms, attempting to not hear anything from the two guys.

Soobin was trying to get answers but the moment Taehyun arrived, he knew he's the one who could handle her.

"Taehyun-ah!" He chirped while running to him attempting to wrap his arms around him but was pushed away.

"Don't. Now's not the time." He badgered. He moved closer to Hyejun and placed his palm on her bare shoulders slowly.

Hyejun's crying stopped. She removed her hands and suddenly, hugged Taehyun. Soobin was surprised same goes to his hear which starting to ache a little.

"Welcome home." Taehyun said. His hands started to pat her back gently. Hyejun continued sobbing as she pulled away from the hug.

"Do you still remember us?" Soobin hinted, sitting down at the edge of the bed.

Hyejun remained silent, her eyes moved to Taehyun then to Soobin quietly. She nodded which relieved the two guys.

Soobin and Taehyun kept on asking her living. All Hyejun could do was answering them but some of them it's a lie and if only she knew it would troubled her even more.

"We thought you're gone , Jun. If it's not because of Taera, I don't think Beomgyu might be healed."

Hyejun looked up hearing Beomgyu came out from his mouth. Taehyun slightly pinched Soobin on his elbow causing him to yelp.

Soobin saw his eyes were trying to show a that's not what we planned to say ! He messed up and he knew Taehyun would beat him up with the same metal he used.

"B-Beomgyu's alive?" Tears were forming on Hyejun's eyes. Taehyun hate to admit and so he nodded. Taehyun noticed Hyejun was taking off the blanket wrapping her and dashed to the door but Soobin managed to catch her.

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