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The next day was the first day Hyejun became a maid. She got up earlier than the rest of her days to prepare breakfast.

Pancakes was the only meal she knew how to cook.

That's what Soobin taught her last summer.

"Gosh , I'm hungry." Hyejun heard someone coming from upstairs to the dining table.

She peeked and saw it was Jihoon with a swollen-sleepy face was pulling the chair to sit. She smiled quietly.

Jihoon had his head rested on the table but the smell of pancakes made him awake. Finally , Hyejun finished cooking and was walking to the table.

"Good morning." Hyejun greeted him.

"Morninggg~" He then yawned afterwards closing his mouth.

Hyejun giggled before giving a slice of pancakes to him. She gave him the maple syrup and he lazily took them.

"What time did you wake up?" Jihoon suddenly asked as he took a bite of the meal.

"Around 6 , I'm a morning person by the way." Hyejun stated while taking a seat in front of him.

As she was talking , Jihoon couldn't help but noticed her visible scars on her right forearm.

"What's with the scars?" He inquired as he stared at them.

Hyejun slowly diverted her gaze to her right arm and indeed , she was surprised. Once she saw them , it reminded them of Taehyung.

"O-Oh..." She pushed her sleeves down. "My cat scratched me." She lied with a fake smile.

Jihoon nodded as he understood though it's a lie. "You have a cat? What's her name?" He then added.

Hyejun's eyes moved fast. "It's a he . His name was Yoongi , he died a week ago." She convinced.

Jihoon believed her , the worst lie.

Those scars made her remembered the day Haewon took her to Taehyung , tied her , beat her until she nearly gave her last breath.

"What a wonderful scene we have in the morning, don't we?"

Both of them looked up , Jihoon's face showed that he was clearly annoyed with her appearance.

"What do you want , Minji?" Jihoon scowled.

Minji scoffed him , "Breakfast. Are you that dumb to know?"

Being a big-headed she was , she inched to the table and sat next to Jihoon though her eyes never left Hyejun's.

"I made pancakes, i-is that okay?" Hyejun faltered.

Minji glanced at the pancakes she made and rolled her eyes. "I'm on diet but since today's your first day I'll eat them." She groused , politely.

Hyejun secretly smiled as she took a slice and placed them in a plate afterwards gave to her. After that, she stood up then bowed out of nowhere.

"I need to clean up my room , I'll be right back."

Hyejun walked away leaving the two of them dumbfounded. Jihoon kept on watching her from his seat until she finally disappeared to the stairs.

"Judging by your face , looks like you're in love."

Minji suddenly snickered before she drunk a glass of warm water. Jihoon returned back to his step-sister and glared from the corner of his eyes.

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