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After several hours , Hyejun finally regained consciousness and woke up in the sofa she fall a while ago. Her head hurts like hell but her actions tell otherwise.

She turned to her right and shrieked when she saw the guy and the daughter were staring at her in a dark way.

She backed away as far as she can but was held with a chain wrapping around her legs making her unable to move away.

"Let me go!" She yelled as she was struggling with the metal.

"We need answers!" The guy bellowed.

Hyejun hesitantly looked at the daughter who was busying chewing on her bubblegum while arrogantly eyeing on Hyejun.

"Jihoon-ah , she's not gonna talk. Make her talk then." The daughter suddenly coached the guy called Jihoon.

Jihoon turned to look at the female next to her and stared at her for five seconds before returning back to Hyejun.

He got up from the sofa and sat next to Hyejun.

Hyejun felt shivers running down her spine as his hands started to move from her palm till her cheeks.

"W-What are you doing?" She quavered as she tried again to move away from him.

Jihoon leaned closer to Hyejun's face while sneakily staring at her soft yet delicate lips.

She looked behind seeing the daughter had a vicious smirk on her face.

"You have two choices." Jihoon professed as his hands were trapping Hyejun both sides.

Hyejun tremblingly looked back at him.

"Either you tell me what's your name and why are you here right now or...."

Jihoon leaned more closer , there's barely gaps between them.

"I'll make you say them by attaching my lips on yours."

Hyejun was now scared , her hands on his chest who was supposed to be pushing him away from her stopped working.

Receiving a dead silence from her , Jihoon licked his lips before slowly leaning even more closer to her lips.

As it was about to lock , Hyejun came back to her senses and pushed him away with all her might making Jihoon to fall at the floor.

"I-I'll talk!" Hyejun said , anxiously.

Jihoon retreat back , sitting next to the daughter with his legs-crossed.

Hyejun breathed out.

"I-I'm Choi Hyejun and I live here ever since a year ago with my f-friends."

As Hyejun explained , the thought of Beomgyu being her husband flashed through. Accidentally, she let out a soft tear and quickly wiped it away.

The daughter saw her and threw a disgusted look. She went closer to Jihoon's ear and whispered a few words.

"She's so pathetic, such a drama queen." She mocked.

Jihoon glared at her then returned back to Hyejun.

"I'm Jihoon and this's my step-sister , Minji." He introduced. Hyejun slightly bowed in exchange of respect.

"A month ago , we bought this mansion. The mansion looked abandoned when we first saw it and we were in need of a house so we bought it before anyone else's did."

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