Bonus Chapter 🔞

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Seulgi loved dancing

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Seulgi loved dancing.

It was the best part of her life. She loved going onto a large platform and just pouring every emotion out as she moved her body according to the melody of the music. She loved learning new ones and spending each day at either the small dance room the Apollo children went to or a cold dance studio out of the camp. Wherever place she had, she loved dancing. Periodt.

Irene knew she loved it so. She had known Seulgi for quite a while now: six months, so she knew that dancing was Seulgi's best hobby. Today was the seventh of August, a Friday. Fridays were the days when she took Seulgi out of the camp to dance in the studio. The quest was moved to September due to secret problems Mr. D wouldn't tell them, so she had plenty of time to spend seamlessly. Still, in the back of her mind, she worried about the quest.

However, she couldn't feel that worry now. She was too distracted by Seulgi. She couldn't help but feel her heart swell with pride as she sat on the cold blue bench and watched the girl dance her heart out. Seulgi looked so immersed in the dancing, the emotions imprinted on her bear-like face, and her slim body moving to the music. Seulgi's brown hair was on her face due to the intensity of the choreography and the dark blue trench coat she wore over a black frilly cut-off shirt that hugged her body with thin straps came undone. It was only Seulgi, the mirrors, and the music.

Seriously, how could such a clumsy bear suddenly be so charismatic when she danced?

When the small red speaker stopped playing the song after a while, Seulgi looked at her from the wide mirrors planted on the cream-colored walls for approval. Sweat beaded her forehead and she was breathing heavily.

Irene smiled widely. "You did so well, Seulgi," she told her, and a beam plastered itself on Seulgi's lips. "You did that so beautifully."

And she was saying the truth. She admired Seulgi so much for everything, especially her talent in dancing. She often wondered how her perverted ass ended up with such a perfect girlfriend.

Seulgi jumped around happily. "I practiced it for days!" she said proudly.

"I know. It paid off; you did so well. Sit here, will you?"

Seulgi squealed with enthusiasm and took her rightful place on Irene's lap. She sat herself in an angle so that the older could properly wipe the sweat off her forehead with the handkerchief she brought.

Irene reached into the small white purse she brought and rummaged through it. It didn't have plenty of things at all: only a bottle of water, a few drachma, and the book Wendy bought her for her birthday so it wasn't too difficult to find the white handkerchief.

She gripped it in her pale hand and gently rubbed it on Seulgi's face. She also patted it on the well-built shoulders and neck. She couldn't do it properly, however, because Seulgi kept moving.

"Stay still, alright?" she told her. She put a hand on the girl's hip to keep her in place.

But Seulgi couldn't obey her, even if she would have wanted to. The exercise of the dance made her release happy hormones and because of that, she was extremely hyper. Instead of doing as she was told, she only bounced happily and leaned in to kiss Irene on the lips, then all over her face, and giggled like someone much younger than herself.

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