Chapter Thirty-Two: New Quest

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"Hey, you okay?" Irene asked as Seulgi winced in pain while stepping out of the infirmary bathroom

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"Hey, you okay?" Irene asked as Seulgi winced in pain while stepping out of the infirmary bathroom. The girl had been in the bathroom for a particularly long time.

"Had a bad stomach, sorry," explained Seulgi. She placed her hand on her stomach till the pain went to a dull throb.

It had been nighttime when they had been woken up by Im Nayeon, a buck-toothed girl with a bright smile and squishy cheeks. She had told them that it was important that they come to the Big House, and she had run off.

Irene had thought it was morning already though the sky was dark, and was glad to discover it was still her birthday; she wanted to experience her birthday more.

She had tied her hair back and put on a black jacket to blend in with the darkness of the night; Nayeon had told them that no one should see them.

Irene snatched Seulgi's jacket from the bed and slid it down on the girl, careful not to slam the rough inside material of the jacket on her face. Once she had had Seulgi wear it, she patted it down on her body then raised a thumbs-up.




Irene grabbed Seulgi's hand and exited the infirmary. She wished that the stuff they'd tell her wasn't what she knew it would be.

It was dark since it was almost eleven, but Irene had the moon to provide her enough light. She pulled Seulgi to herself so that her legs wouldn't buckle.

She was so nervous that she even curled her toes inside her shoes so that they made less sound when they collided with the grass. Seulgi constantly asked questions like "Joohyun, can I walk by myself please?" or "Is there a Valentine's Day out of Korea too?". She tried to explain to her that they weren't supposed to be heard or seen but Seulgi would ask "Why shouldn't we?"

It was a good thing that harpies weren't on patrol right now. If they were, Irene and Seulgi would have been meat.

After much shuffling and questions and shushing, they finally made it to the Big House. On the porch, sitting on the chairs that encircled the pinochle table, was Im Nayeon. She was wearing a coat over her pajamas and looked sleepy. Her reddish hair was tied into a messy bun. Beside her was a boy who had dark hair and was slightly taller than Irene. He was a Son of Poseidon, explaining how proudly he wore the sea-blue highlights in his hair.

"Oh! Taeyong!" Seulgi squealed happily.

Irene raised her eyebrows. They seemed to know each other well. She placed Seulgi on the railings of the porch and sat beside her.

"Seulgi! We missed you!" the Poseidon boy—Lee Taeyong—said, and high-fived Seulgi. "How are you?"

"I'm happy," she said cheerfully. "I'm back home and I'm recovering and Joohyun's with me. I like it here! You?"

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