Chapter Nineteen: Conflicted Captor

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Thank you wolfnie3 for making this beautiful manipulation for me ! If you guys want banners, headers, or anything else like GIFs and moodboards, go to the Black Swan Graphic Shop !

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Thank you wolfnie3 for making this beautiful manipulation for me ! If you guys want banners, headers, or anything else like GIFs and moodboards, go to the Black Swan Graphic Shop !

Seulgi wasn't sure she could do all this alone.

Perhaps she shouldn't have called camp and let Joy be taken there to rest....but no, that would be selfish. She had told them to allow Joy to rest in their headquarters and told them to send an army of centaurs and anyone who could help evacuate Irene and Aphrodite from Cyprus.

She wasn't used to the rocking of the boat, doing all the work by herself, and not a kiss from Irene when she did something well.

Ugh, she missed her so much.

Now she was alone, sweat trickling down her face as she tilled and tried not to cry. She was seasick and exhausted.

The sun stood over the boat, providing her a bit of sunlight. It only reminded her of how much Irene loved the sunlight ("because it's bright and pretty like you!" the older girl had said and pecked her lips, giggling).

But she needed to do all this; for herself, for Irene, and for the future of the world.


Irene was allowed to go out for the day, as long as she was supervised by Taeyeon and her hands were cuffed. She had eaten a bit of lunch (coffee and hardened bread) before walking with Taeyeon.

The place they were in Cyprus was lonely and isolated; ruins of temples which once stood with pride were scattered around and the sea was dirty and intoxicated. Nothing in the place said "vacation".

Irene walked among the ruins, moving a crumbled piece of pillar with her foot. "This was in my dream," she said, observing the place.

She pointed to the empty space the ruins centered.

"Aphrodite was there," she said. She looked hopefully at Taeyeon. "She's here, right? Right?"

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