Chapter Three: The Grey Sisters

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"Stupid girl! Where's the drachma?!?"

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"Stupid girl! Where's the drachma?!?"

Irene looked up, and screamed. She almost dropped the prophecy. She could see three grey saggy-faced women. She huddled up in the corner of the taxi, and hugged her knees.

One of the women had a single tooth stuck up in her gums, and another had one single eye in the middle of her face. The other had nothing at all. But all three were wearing blue uniforms like that of a nurse's, and had name tags. The others were named Anger and Wasp, and the last one was Tempest.

"Don't scare her, Anger!" scolded Wasp, who had the red swollen eye and was peering at Irene very carefully now. "Or we won't get any drachma today!"

"Shut up, Wasp!" the one named Tempest shushed.

"Where to, dearie?" Anger asked impatiently. She had her hands on the wheel. "Quickly!"

Irene didn't know where to go. Her mother hadn't told her where to go exactly, and she didn't know where to find answers to all her questions. She was so afraid.

Then she remembered one place where she can ask.

"Camp Half-Blood Korea!" she said immediately. She had heard that Chiron had been the new activities director, and Mr. D (Dionysus) was already traveling to America to take over the camp there.

The car lurched forward, speeding up till all Irene saw in the windows were merely blurs of nothingness. The sight made her feel sick, and the impossible speed of the taxi did not help.

"Give us the drachma, girl!" Tempest shouted, slipping her grey hand through the backseat to get the drachma for payment.

Irene tried not to throw up at the sensation of the shaking and rushing of the car and the sight of the dirty grey hand that was positioned in front of her. She reached into her bag and rummaged through her wallet. She found one large gold drachma that was the size of Girl Scout cookies.

She reluctantly pressed it into Tempest's hand and quickly withdrew her hand away from it. Her face was blue from holding her breath for so long, and her stomach was terribly queasy.

She lay down in the backseat and tried to soothe her dizziness and queasiness. She was the only passenger there anyway, so she took the opportunity to try to make herself feel at home.

"Is the drachma real, Wasp? Is it? The girl isn't doing any slipups?" asked one of the Grey Sisters.

"Yes, it is, Tempest! Go bite it and you'll know it's real!" Wasp snapped, shoving the drachma into her sister's mouth, and shouting directions for Anger to drive to.

Irene placed her hands on her ears. Her sensitive hearing did not appreciate the irritating loud noises of the Grey Sisters arguing and the screeching of a motorcycle outside. The booming engine of the car did not help either.

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