Chapter 26: A Normal Day.

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Location: Sakura Empire base.

Nagato and Mutsu were standing again at the deteriorating Tree.

Nagato: We left this place for 1 day and now it's leaves are starting to decay!

Mutsu: This is not good.

Japan then comes in.

JapanBall: My.... God!

Nagato and Mutsu: Nihon!

JapanBall: Yes hello my two daughters.*Looks at the tree*

Nagato: I think the tree is nearing its final days.

Mutsu: It's been many years since it was just a plant.

JapanBall: The tree is not aging... It was poisoned.

Nagato and Mutsu: What?!!

JapanBall: I Siren has gone been here while we were away.

Nagato: And who might that be?!!

Location: Americ*coughs*Azurlane base.

We can see Enterprise eating lots of Ration bars.


We can still see UK and Scotland fighting Somali.

ScotlandBall: Get back here you bloody cunt!*Chased after Somali but trips*

SomaliBall: Nope!

UKBall: Oi! Get back up Scot!

ScotlandBall: I'm fine bastard! Chase him!

Enterprise smiles after seeing powerful creatures enjoying their lives... Yet, she can feel how much pain they got through.

Enterprise: I'm wondering, if these beings came from nations that existed, then why does their nations doesn't seem familiar to ours?

Enterprise had doubts but shrugged it off.

Swiss Boi's POV:

Switzerland was in the cafeteria. He was accompanied by Poland and Lithuania.(That Rhimes!)

SwitzerlandBall: So your saying this world is full of Ships turned into girls?

PolandBall: Yep.

SwitzerlandBall: I don't have a navy.*Sad Neutral noises*

LithuaniaBall: Cheer up! At least you have Guns on a mountain and exploding Bridges.

Author: Just to let you know, Switzerland does have alot of Turrets, Artillery, Abandoned bases, Bunkers, And Gun nests littered in their nations. The Bridges were also rigged with explosives so that if an invading army comes through then, good luck getting covered by snow. The Mountains also have explosives. This proves that Switzerland is an actual bunker that is a country. Enough, countinue story.

PolandBall: Also at least you didn't get to face two Red colored flag users dividing you into two.

SwitzerlandBall: Ok.

PolandBall: Anyway, let's eat!!

The three countryballs then began eating.

Location: Royal Gardens.

Q.E: We are planning on starting another party. The last one was a disaster. With no one bothering us for now, we can enjoy our days for ourselves!

Warspite: Indeed.*Drinks tea*

Hood: Can I discuss something with you your majesty?

Q.E: Speak.

Hood: I'm getting this dreams of seeing a man fighting a Ironblood version of me and he looks damn familiar.

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