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Snow and Michael sayed up till nearly 5am just cuddling and talking. Snow felt terrible for accusing Michael for sleeping with Lacey and that she didnt talk to him first. She still didnt undertant why he blew up about Josey but at this moment, it could wait.

"Michael?" She spoke, tracing shaped into Michaels bare pale chest, Michael doing the same to her lower back.

"Yeah beautiful?" He watched her hand move around on his chest.

Michael cared about Snow, alot. So far, he hasnt done a very good job at showing it but he wasnt exactly familiar with the feelings he had.

"Why so you dye your hair all the time?" Michael chuckled.

"I dont know, Im indecisive I guess."

"Maybe I could dye mine. A light purple or something. Ive always wanted to." She yawned and layed her head on his chest but tilted it up to look at him.

"I like your hair." Michael stated and Snow smiled. Michael loved her smile, it made his whole world feel at peace.

"So if I dyed it, you wouldnt like me?" Michael shook his head.

"Oh shut up, of course I would. I'll help you dye your hair if you want." Michael was slightly startled when Snow jumped up instantley and pulled on her shoes and shrugged Michaels red flannel over her shoulders.

"Well, are you coming or not?" She stood at the end of the bed with her hands on her hips.

"Coming where?"

"The drugstore to get hairdye." She stated matter of factly.

Michael laughed. Another thing he loved about Snow was she never failed to surprise him.

"Snow baby its almost 5 in the morning."

"And? Tomorrows Saturday and thered no school so why not?" She smiled and Michael gave in.


They got the dye and made their way back to Snows room.

"Lets go to my room, my bathroom is already covered in hair dye so we wont worry about getting it all over the place here." Michael offered.

About 2 hours later, Snow sat in Michael black bowl shaped chair waiting till she could wash out the hair dye. She got up and walked around Michaels room. She had on Panties, a bra and Michaels flannel tha came about mid thigh.
She looked over the heaps of video games he had stacked on his dresser then walked over to the desk that set in the corner opposite of his bed.

"Whos this?" She pointed to a picture of a woman with shoulder length blonde hair and a small boy holding her hand at a park.

Michael walked behind and set his chin on her shoulder.
"Thats my mum." He seemed hesitant to answer. "She- uh."
Snow turned in his grasp and pecked his lips.

"You can tell me another time." She smiled and he placed his lips back on hers. They kissed for a few moments before the timer went off for her hair.

"YAY!" Michael chuckled at the beautiful girl as she hurried to the shower.
It wasnt long before she heard the shower turn off and the hairdryer turn on.

"Hows it look?" He knocked on the door.

"Snow its just hair."

"Im almost done drying it." He layed back on his bed and waited till he heard the door click open.

"What do you think? Dont look at my face, I washed my makeup off." She held her hands over her face, her newly died light purple hair laying fluffy on her shoulders.

Michael walked over to her and pulled her hands from her face.
"Beautiful." He smiled and placed a short kiss on her lips. She blushed.
"The hair's nice too." He smirked and Snow slapped his chest.

"I look terrible." She whined about her bare face.
"No you dont, you look perfect. Shut up." He pulled her down onto the bed and nuzzled his face into her neck, placing soft open mouthes kisses.

"Im sorry again." She whispered followed by a yawn.



"Shut up and go to sleep." She let out a small laugh.

"Goodnight Michael."

"Goodnight baby."

THIS IS JUST A FILLER. Drama with Snows past will come up next chapter so be ready 😁. SHARE WITH YOUR FRIENDS I LOVE YOUR BOOTYFUL FACES :*

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