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The worst thing about moving halfway across the world and into a different time zone, was just that, the different time zone. My bodys internal clock hadnt set with the time change yet so sleep was near impossible for me. I sat up listening to music on my phone and staring at the sky outside. I found myself glancing over to the window across from mine a few times. There was a dim light coming from the inside but I couldnt tell if it was a lamp light, or the light from a phone screen. I got up and looked outside my window and realized how easy of an access I had to the roof.

"Sweet." I said to myself and climbed out. The 3 feet between my and the neighbors window consit of my roof. I climbled out onto the roof and walked around the corner to the back part of the house. I was taken back at the beautiful view. The stars shone bright, as did the moon. I sat down, leaning back against the house. There were no windows in the back of the house so this view was invisible to me until now. The song on my phone change to Weightless by All Time Low. I let the song finish and went to change it when I realized what time it was. 6:15am. I climbed back in my window and walked over to my closet, plugging my phone into the charger before so. I had about an hour till I was told to be at my new school to get my scedule and locker. I picked out a pair of washed,ripped skinny jeans and a black vnecked tshirt. Simple. I don't want to stick out more than I already will being the 'new girl from america' whos coming to school a month into the school year.

I layed out my outfit and hopped in the tub for a quick shower. After I got out I wrapped my towel around me and brushed my teeth, applied my makeup. Nothing too much. Just a bit of eye linter and mascara. I brushed my hair, dried it into its natual wavy state and ran a straightner through it. Once I checked myself out in the mirror too see I hadnt missed anything I walked back into the bedroom. One of my favorite things about this house so far, apart from my access to the roof is having my own bathroom. I heard a knock on my door followed by my fathers voice.

"Snow? You up?"

"Yeah, Ill be out soon Dad." I put my clothes on real quick and looked at the clock haning on the wall. 7:10. "Shit." I grabbed my phone pushing it onto my back pocket and grabbed my black boots sliding them on my feet and sloppily tying them up. I grabbed my sunglasses and bookbag and headed downstairs.

One thing people back home people likes to tease me about was the fact that I didnt carry a purse. I carry a bookbag. its not as big as a normal school bookbag but its big enough to carry like a laptop or something like that. I was greeted at the bottom of the stairs by my mother.

"Here." She handed me a small box and smiled at me.

"Mom?" I asked, and started tearing off the paper. When I opened the small black box, it revealed a pair of keys.

"We planed on giving you a car a few weeks ago but we decided to wait until we moved." I near abot jumped on my mom.

"Oh my god thank you!" I kissed her cheek and waved as I ran past her and outside to my new car.

"Oh my god/" I smiled. It wasnt big, but it wasnt small. it was a royal blue mustang and it was perfect. All the girls at my old school wanted these small sporty cars and there I was wanting a mustang. I got in and started toward my new school.


When I pulled up, there were more people there than I had expected. People stared as I got out and instantly I felt like I was going ot throw up. I walked up the path to the school and looked around. There was a rather big school yard filled with kids. Some making out against the trees, some eating some looked nice, some looked weird, and some looked just sraight scary. As I made my was up the path a heard an array of whitles. I turned my head slightly and noticed a group of boys, mostly all wearing black, band shirts, some with percings and a couple had unnatural colored hair. One with blonde hair and a lip ring winked at me and whoever the boy beside him with black and red hair was, stared at me. I quickly turned my attention away from them and walked into the entrance.

"Uhm, excuse me? Im Snow Daniels. Todas's my first day." A plump lady with short brown hair looked up at me through her lashes and smiled.

"Ms. Daniels of course! We've been expecting you!" I smiled and shook her outstretched hand.

"Im Mrs. Jones, but you can call me Janie." She smiled and I felt welcomed. Hope fully I feel it within my classes too.

She gave my the paper with my scedule and my locker along with the combination. I headed for my locker first. I must have lucked out becasue I got a locker on the very end. I fumbled with the lock for awhile until I finally got the damned thing. I was putting my books and such in my locker when I felt somebody come up beside .I peeked behind my locker door and noticed the same boy who had been staring at me earlier in the school yard. He was tall, taller than me, he wore black skinny jeans with some black converse, a white tshirt and a black leather jacket.

"Its rude to stare." his voice made me realize I was in fact staring. I blushed and looked back into my locker.

"Sorry." I mumbled.

"You should be." He spat and slammed his locker shut.

"What the fuck is your problem?" He turned towards me.

"Aww sorry I didnt mean to be rude to you little ms perfect." He rolled his eyes.

"You dont even know me. Why are you being so rude to me?" Why does he look familiar to me?

"Oh everybody knows you. Your daddy is the new head over the hospital here in Sydney and your his perfect little girl." He chuckled to himself and I started growing frustrated with his shitty attitude toward me. He doesnt fucking know me.

"My dads job has nothing to do with why your being a dick." I crossed my arms, looking uo at him.

"If I were you I'd keep your little rich ass spoiled mouth shut." And with that he turned on his heel and headed down the hallway.

"Whatever." He can think what he wants.

I finished at my locker and went to my first class, English.

When I walked in, everyones head turned towards me and I noticed the familiar jerk from my locker sat in the back.

"You must be Ms. Daniels!" The chirpy voice of the teacher exclaimed. "Im Mrs. Lodgeway." She wrapped her arm around my shoulders and faced me towards the class.

"Class, this is Ms.Daniels and she-"

"Snow, call me Snow." She nodded. I smiled. "Hi." I looked down at my feet.

"Snow, you can take that seat right there in the back. The only open seat in the class just had to be right beside him. The jerk who insisted on judging me before he even knew my name. The jerk who I soon learned name is Michael Clifford.

I'm With You; mgc (book #1)Where stories live. Discover now