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I struggled to open my eyes as the brightness of the room I was in made it hard. Once my eyes adjusted and I realized I didn't know where I was, I shot up from the bed and looked around.

"Hospital?" I asked out loud and confusion took over my mind as I panicked.

"Michael?" I called at a normal tone but then screamed the second time.

Why am I in a hospital? Why are there cuts and bruises on my arms and legs? Where's Michael? I thrashed my arms and the IV's attached ripped out. Before my feet had time to hit the white tiled floor, the door flung open and two nurses pinned me back down on the bed. I didn't fight them though. I just cried.

"Where's Michael?" I asked the lady hooking the IV's back into my arm. She smiled sweetly at me.

"Who is Michael sweetie?"

"My- my boyfriend. He has blue hair." I told her knowing if she saw him she'd know by that trait.

"Oh he's in the waiting room." She told me and I instantly felt calmed. The other nurse walked out with her clipboard as the blonde nurse rubbed my arm in an attempt to comfort me.

"He's been here all night. Would you like me to get him for you?" I nodded furiously and gave her a small smile as she nodded back and walked out the large brown door. Not even seconds later a worried looking Michael came barging around the corner nearly smacking his face against the door frame. He let out a huge sigh of relief when he saw me and hurried to my side.

"Oh my god." He didnt give me any time to speak as he placed his lips on mine. The taste of salt come from them like he'd been crying.

"I'm so so so so so sorry. I should've got there faster I'm so -" He rambled but I interrupted him.

"Michael." He took a breath and met his eyes with mine. "Hey beautiful."

"Sit down please." I chuckled. He pulled the chair up beside my bed and intertwined our fingers, kissing my knuckles softly.

"Why am I in the hospital? And why am I bruised so bad?" I asked and he looked at me with so much sadness in his eyes I wanted to just hold him.

"You really don't remember?" He asked and I shook my head, some hair falling stringy in my face.

"Your father, he-he took you and I tried getting there faster I just couldn't get in." He stuttered.

Then it all hit me. The call. The house. Him beating me, Michael and Luke trying to get in. The last thing I remember is my father's fist hitting my face and then I woke up on this hospital bed.

"Oh my god." Michael nodded. He started to say something again but the nurse from before walked back in, this time with a man in a fancy black suit.
Michaels grip on my hand tightened as he glared at the man. The nurse smiled at me and Michael.

"Ms. Daniels, this is Mr. John Roves, he needs to ask you a few questions about your father."

"Don't you think it's a little too soon?" Michael snarled. I put my other hand on top of his. He looked at our hands then at me.

"It's okay." I assured him.

"You can stay if you want to Michael." The nurse told him and he sat back in his chair.

"Well I didnt plan on leaving anyways so."

Mr. Roves started off with asking me simple questions like

"Do you remember what happened?
Are you feeling okay? Do you want to see him?"

"No!" I answered a little too quick and louder than I meant too. He nodded once and wrote stuff on his notepad. I sat up, getting more comftorable in the very uncomfortable hospital bed.

"We've already filed a restraining order just in case he ever gets out of jail, which I believe is highly unlikely at this point but do you have a place to live Ms. Daniels?" I suddenly felt really nervous. I'd been staying with Michael but would they be okay with that?

"Uh I-"

"We have an apartment together a few blocks over." Michael spoke out and I looked at him half grateful he saved my stuttering ass and half confused as to if he was lying or not. He avoided my gaze and kept his eyes on Mr. Roves.

I looked back to Mr. Roves and the nurse to see them looking at me for confirmation. I took a second but nodded.

They asked me a few more questions and finally finished.

"Thank you for your cooperation Ms. Daniels." I nodded at the man and he walked out. The nurse wrote a few things down on her clipboard and smiled sweetly at me.

"You can leave in about an hour. I just need to put some information in the computer and you'll be all set."

"Thank you." I thanked her and was once again left alone with Michael. I didn't know what to say to Michael so I waited for him to talk first.

"Will you say something?" He finally whispered.

"I dont know what to say. I can't tell if you're being serious about the apartment or not and if you are you never even talked to me about it so how do you know if I even want to live with you?" I said and then looked at him.

He ran his hands over his face with a huff and started pacing at the end of my bed.

"Okay, yes I got an apartment for us and yes I didnt talk to you about it but, you want to know why? Because I realized when I saw you through that window last night and I couldnt get to you when you needed me, that I want to and will do what ever it takes to keep you safe. I love you Snow and I can't even stand the thought of you getting hurt so yes, I got a place that you can call home and that you will be able to feel safe in." He ranted and I felt my heart beating faster at his words. I never realized how much he cared for me.

"Michael I-" I noticed his eyes getting glossy as he sat back down in the chair beside me.

"Would living with me really be that bad?" He said quietly.
I thought for a minute bedore answering him.

"Of course it wouldnt be bad. I just got upset because you didn't talk to me about it first I'm sorry." He finally looked back at me and grabbed my hand in his.

"After they got you in the room and hooked all that shit up to you, I called Luke and had him go sign the papers for me. You don't have to if you don't want to but I thought you should have a place to call home yanno?" I stared at him in awe. Nobody has ever cared for me like he does and I realize that now.

"Home." I hummed. "I have a home." Michael smiled and placed his pink lips on mine.

"Our home." He mumbled against my mouth.

I'm With You; mgc (book #1)Where stories live. Discover now