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The next few days, Snow didn't show up at school and it started worrying me. She wouldn't answer my texts and her window stayed locked. She always kept it unlocked for me.

"Hey man what's wrong? Looks like you're about to cry." Calum asked as he sat next to me.

Luke came not long after along with Ashton. I glared at Ashton for a second before answering Calum.

"I'm fine." I huffed. "Just worried." I whispered the last part.

"Dude you're whipped." He chuckled.
"The fuck I am!" I argued.

Am I?

"Have you talked to her?" Luke asked after a few moments of silence. I shook my head. "You?"

"Yeah I went over and checked on her yesterday. She said she wasn't feeling good and is taking the rest of the week off." He shrugged.

"The house was a mess. It's been spotless everytime I've been over. I didn't see her parents either."

I felt jealousy build up in my stomach. Partly because he's been to her house so many times, but mostly because she'll talk to Luke but wont even answer a damn text. I sat back with a huff.

"Hey Michael can I talk to you?" Josey approached and I noticed Calum stiffen up. I smirked at him and looked down at my phone.

"Why?" I said, rather rude, without looking at her.

"About Snow." My head instantly shot up.

"What about her?" I asked a little too quick.

"Is she okay?" Luke piped in.

"I don't know I just- Michael I really need to talk to you. Now." She said and started walking off.

I looked at Luke and he shrugged along with Ash and Cal.

I followed her into the hallway.

"Okay what is it?" I pushed.

"Okay first off, I'm sorry for getting in you and Snows buisness. What goes on between you two if for you two to deal with and I shouldnt have been nosey." She apologized.

"I could've told you that." I spat, just wanting to know if Snow is okay or not.

She sighed sadly. "Anyways, I'm sorry but that not what this is about. I'm worried about Snow. With what Lacey said an-" I cut her off.

"I know what fucking Lacey said and she told me about Emily. Get to the point, is she okay?" I was growing impatient.

"She hasn't told you?" She looked confused.

"Told me what? She won't answer my calls or texts I havent seen her since Monday."

It's currently Friday so it's been four days.

I miss her.

"Michael, Snow really cares about you. She told me sh-" She stopped.

"Told you what Josey?"

"You can't tell her I told you this but she hasn't answered your calls because she doesn't want you to have to worry about being seen with her."

My stomach dropped. I'm a fucking asshole! How could I ever have let her think that?

"Thats crazy... Right?" She raised her eyebrow.

"Of course its crazy! She knows how I feel damn it." I tugged on my hair in frustration.

"She has alot to deal with Michael. Give her time."

"What didn't she tell me? You said earlier she hasn't told me something." She looked sad, not for herself but for Snow and I was scared to hear what she was gonna tell me.

"Her mom left. She woke up Wednesday and her dad was drunk on the couch. Her mom's stuff was all gone and there wasn't a note or call or anything. She hasnt answered my calls or texts either since she told me yesterday morning." I felt tears threatening to spill out but forced them back.

"That bitch." The bell rang to go the last period and people started filing into the hallway. Josey grabbed my arm and pulled me by the lockers.

"Her house key is under the pink flower pot on her front porch. Go talk to her please." I nodded not knowing what else to say. She nodded back and turned away and walked down the hall.

"What was that about?" Luke came from behind and asked. I filled him in on what Josey told me as we headed to last period.

"Oh my god, poor Snow." Calum commented.

"I'm a dick." I groaned.

"Go talk to her man, she needs you." Ashton said. I just nodded and waited for the last bell to ring so I could get to Snow.

I'm With You; mgc (book #1)Where stories live. Discover now