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Some parts at the end of Snows P.O.V may be triggering to some so be warned and skip parts if needed!!


I walked downstairs as quietly as I could, hoping not to wake up my dad, who fell asleep drunk on the couch. I told Josey I wasn't at school the past four days because I was sick but... everyone lies sometimes right?
I miss Michael, but he's better off without me. He doesn't need to worry about my problems. He deserves alot better than a fucked up girl like me.
I sighed as I inhaled the smell of alcohol when I entered the living room. I peeked over at my dad. He had a beer bottle in his hand and papers scattered all over the table, some on the floor. I searched around for my car keys. I needed to get out for awhile, fresh air might do me some good.

I found them lying on the table beside the fireplace. I quickly snatched them up and tip toed to the door.

"Where the fuck do you think you're going?" I froze.

"Just gonna get some fresh air dad, I'll be back before 9." I reached for the door knob but was stopped by his hand slamming against the door. I jumped and turned around, terrified and knowing what was next.

"Your not going anywhere!" He grabbed onto my wrist and pulled on it but I jerked away.

"I havent been anywhere in 4 days, I'm not gonna stay cooped up in this damn house for the rest of my life just because you cant get over the fact that mom left!"

I instantly regretted what I said when his hand came hard against my cheek sending me flying back against the front door and sliding onto the floor.

"You little bitch!" He screamed and threw his beer across the room, it smashed into pieces against the wall.

"I am your father and you will not speak to me that way!" He slurred and stumbled trying to come closer to me. I backed away and tried standing but he jerked my arm and I fell again.

"Dad I'm sorry please don't! I'm sorry, I'll just go to my room." He pointed his shaky finger in my face and laughed.

"You know," he slurred, chuckling. I backed away from him until I hit the couch and couldnt go any further.

"You're just like your damn mother. Pathetic."

Ouch. I forced the tears back, my face still throbbing along with my arm.

"I'm sorry."

"You should be! This is all your fault! Go to your room."

He yelled in my face and stumbled back in the kitchen for more alcohol. I got up, holding onto my face and ran to my room, slamming the door behind me and sliding down it, my head in my lap sobbing.

He's right, it's all my fault. If I would've helped Emily everything would be okay, my mom would still be here. My dad wouldnt hate me. I stood up and walked into my bathroom shakily grabbing my makeup bag and looking for my old silver friend. It been almost a year but this past week I needed something to take it all away, get my mind of the pain.

I quickly slid the metal across my forearm and my wrist, blood running down my arm. I looked up into the mirror at myself.

My hair messed up, my shirt ripped because of my dad and my face red and bruised.

"Fuck." I cried. I am pathetic. My dad's right. I picked it up again and Michael sprung into my thoughts. I miss him.
He wouldn't care if I die. Nobody would. Maybe Josey, but she's nice, she'll get over it and make new friends.

I threw it into my bag and cleaned myself up, wrapping a bandage around my arm and pulling my hoodie sleeve down.

I layed down on my bed staring at the ceiling then I heard a tap on the window.

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